Ex-Air America host: Palin can't be trusted with teen boys
Randi Rhodes follows up claim McCain was treated well by Vietnamese captors

Posted: September 13, 2008
11:50 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily 

WASHINGTON – Former Air America host Randi Rhodes followed up her claim that 
presidential candidate John McCain was actually well-treated as a prisoner of 
war in North Vietnam with an insinuation that his running mate, Sarah Palin, 
can't be trusted around teen-age boys.
Explaining to her listeners on Friday who Alaska Gov. Palin is, she said: 
"She's the woman who shows up at the kid's birthday party and starts opining 
about everything from politics to lawn care. This is the woman that knows it 
all. Will shout you down, will get revenge on you. That's who she is. She's 
friends with all the teenage boys. You have to say no when your kids say, 'Can 
we sleep over at the Palins'? No! No!"

Earlier in the week, Rhodes attacked McCain's life story, claiming that during 
his POW captivity in North Vietnam he was "well-treated, actually" and that 
despite his claims of suffering brutal torture, his wife "knows the truth too."
Rhodes' radio program is syndicated on Nova M Radio, which also operates a 
radio station in McCain's home state of Arizona and calls itself "the future of 
Progressive Talk."
She said McCain was "very friendly with the Vietnamese" and that "they called 
him the Prince." She claims he was well-treated by his captors because he 
traded propaganda interviews for good treatment.




Blogger Brian Maloney of The Radio Equalizer captured her comments and made 
from them a YouTube video.

Rhodes concluded those remarks by claiming that national Republican figures 
continue to tell a story contrary to her version of the events and that 
McCain's wife limits herself to saying only "I think what my husband did in 
Vietnam was heroic" because, according to Rhodes, Cindy McCain knows that her 
husband's story is exaggerated.
Rhodes' version of McCain's imprisonment and description of it as being 
"well-treated" seems difficult to reconcile with McCain's version of the events.
In his autobiographical account, "Faith of My Fathers," McCain describes having 
his shoulder broken with the butt of a rifle, being stabbed in the groin with a 
bayonet, being refused medical treatment for multiple broken bones and 
attempting suicide to escape the pain.
"They cracked several of my ribs and broke a couple of teeth," wrote McCain. 
"Weakened by beatings and dysentery, with my right leg again almost useless, I 
found it impossible to stand.
"On the third night I lay in my blood and waste, so tired and hurt that I could 
not move. Three guards lifted me to my feet and gave me the worst beating yet. 
They left me lying on the floor moaning from the stabbing pain in my 
re-fractured arm."
Rhodes' Nova M Radio website describes her as "the #1 Progressive Talk host in 
the nation" and claims, "Randi is impeccably researched and infectiously funny; 
she pulls no punches and never fails to both enlighten and entertain."
A former host on the nationwide counter to conservative talk radio known as Air 
America, Rhodes lost her position in April after an expletive-filled rant 
against Democratic politicians Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton.
Rhodes also stirred controversy when she urged looting in the 
hurricane-devastated Gulf Coast and threatened the life of President Bush on 

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Previous stories:
Left-wing talker: McCain 'very friendly' with captors
Radio host urges poor to loot
Randi Rhodes: Repeat offender
Air America radio host: Punish me if I broke law
Air America probed after Bush 'gunshots'
Obama oops: War injuries prevent McCain from e-mailing

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