NOTE: This is a LA TIMES story!
Truth is not their strong point.
Tim Rutten:

An Afghan 'October surprise'?,0,1586694.column
New technology used in Iraq and Afghanistan to hunt down and kill terrorists 
may inject itself into the presidential race.
Tim Rutten 
September 13, 2008 
Friday, The Times' Greg Miller and Julian E. Barnes reported that the United 
States has escalated its war against Al Qaeda and its Taliban allies by 
"deploying Predator aircraft equipped with sophisticated new surveillance 
systems that were instrumental in crippling the insurgency in Iraq." 

It's a story whose significance may extend well beyond the benighted hills and 
valleys of Pakistan's violent Pashtun hinterlands and onto the hustings of our 
current presidential campaign. Coupled with Thursday's report in the New York 
Times that President Bush has signed a secret order permitting 
Afghanistan-based U.S. special operations forces to cross into Pakistan without 
Islamabad's permission, the odds of an "October surprise" that could influence 
the general election have risen appreciably.

U.S. officials also told The Times that the new surveillance systems allow the 
operators of the unmanned Predators to locate and identify individual human 
targets "even when they are inside buildings. ... The technology gives remote 
pilots a means beyond images from the Predator's lens of confirming a target's 
identity and precise location."

The Times' story confirms the most sensational revelation contained in Bob 
Woodward's new book, "The War Within: A Secret White House History 2006-2007," 
which was published this week. Woodward revealed the technology's existence 
but, heeding requests from intelligence officials, declined to describe its 
operations except to say that it had allowed U.S. forces to locate and kill 
decisive numbers of senior Al Qaeda operatives and Iraqi insurgents. In what 
may be the book's most controversial claim, Woodward argues that the secret 
technology and the so-called Anbar Awakening -- in which counterinsurgency 
techniques developed by the Marines won over tribal leaders in that crucial 
Sunni-dominated province -- had as much or more to do with stabilizing Iraq as 
the "surge" in U.S. troop numbers.

Beyond the purely military considerations, there are potentially significant 
political implications. First and most obvious is the question of the surge's 
efficacy. The answer matters, particularly to John McCain, who has been one of 
the surge's most resolute supporters. If it turns out that it was only one -- 
and, perhaps, the least consequential -- in a confluence of successful American 
initiatives, then McCain could go from steadfast to stubborn in voters' minds. 

The real wild card pops up if this new surveillance technology allows U.S. 
forces to find and kill Osama bin Laden. Bush wouldn't be human if he didn't 
desperately want to see the Al Qaeda warlord dealt with before inauguration day 
2009. Moreover, as Woodward writes, the president frequently relishes the death 
of individual extremists and insurgents in a way that even our professional 
soldiers find striking. Then-American commander in Iraq Gen. George W. Casey 
Jr. "told a colleague in private that he had the impression that Bush reflected 
the 'radical wing of the Republican Party that kept saying, "Kill the bastards! 
Kill the bastards! And you'll succeed." ' Since the beginning, the president 
had viewed the war in conventional terms, repeatedly asking how many of the 
various enemies had been captured or killed." 

If U.S. special operations forces capture or kill Bin Laden, or if a CIA 
technician pushes a button and puts a Hellfire missile between his eyes, Bush 
will have made good on the vows he made seven years ago to bring the Al Qaeda 
leader to some sort of justice. In the eyes of many who supported him over the 
years, that would allow the president to leave office with at least part of his 
historical reputation intact.

There also are many Republican activists who must hope that an October surprise 
involving Bin Laden would give McCain -- unswerving supporter of the war and 
advocate of a muscular, hard-line foreign policy -- a boost by association. At 
the very least, anything that makes his connection to his party's now dismally 
unpopular president less of a stigma helps the GOP candidate.

Still, it's also possible that this particular October surprise might also help 
Barack Obama, at least at the margins, which is where this election 
increasingly looks to be decided. The Democratic nominee, after all, opposed 
going to war in Iraq, in part because it was a distraction from the conflict 
with the Afghan Taliban and Al Qaeda, which had, after all, committed the 9/11 
atrocities. If a military technology heretofore monopolized by operations in 
Iraq finally brings Bin Laden to answer for his crimes, Obama and his 
supporters can argue that the war in Iraq delayed the day of reckoning in 

That's the thing about surprises, no matter what the month: The consequences 
frequently are as unlooked-for as the event.


Mark R. Taylor
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