Barack Obama
Obama Invokes Rush Limbaugh in New Spanish-Language Ads 

By Ed O'Keefe
The Obama campaign has released new radio and TV ads in Spanish that seek to 
tie Sen. John McCain to anti-immigrant comments made by radio talk show host 
Rush Limbaugh. The ads also suggest the Republican has "dos caras" -- "two 
faces" -- when it comes to his relations with Latino voters. The new messages, 
airing in Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico, come in response to recent 
Spanish-language ads by the McCain campaign that suggest Obama is responsible 
for the collapse of last year's bipartisan immigration reform efforts.

"They want us to forget the insults we've put up with, the intolerance," the 
television ad's announcer says in Spanish as a picture of Rush Limbaugh appears 
onscreen with quotes of him saying, "Mexicans are stupid and unqualified" and 
"Shut your mouth or get out."

"They made us feel marginalized in a country we love so much," the ad 
continues. "John McCain and his Republican friends have two faces. One that 
says lies just to get our vote and another, even worse, that continues the 
failed policies of George Bush that put special interests ahead of working 

The companion radio ad uses the same script as above and then continues:
"Don't forget that John McCain abandoned us rather than confront the leaders of 
the Republican Party. Many of us were born here, and others came to work and 
achieve a better life for their families -- not to commit crimes or drain the 
system like many of John McCain's friends claim. Let's not be fooled by 
political tricks from John McCain and the Republicans. Vote so they respect us. 
Vote for a change."

This Spanish-language ad battle started Friday, when the McCain campaign 
started airing a TV spot in Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico that laid the 
failure of comprehensive immigration reform at the feet of Obama and his 
Democratic colleagues, even though he supported the bipartisan efforts to enact 
such reforms and voted for their final proposal last year. It continued Tuesday 
when the RNC bought time in Nevada for a radio ad expressing similar arguments. 
The Obama campaign and Hispanic and pro-immigration reform groups denounced the 
ads as distortions.

"I think they don't want us to pay attention to the fact that John McCain's 
message in English is different than his message in Spanish," said Sen. Robert 
Menendez (D-N.J.) during a conference call with reporters today. "If the Latino 
community can't count on John McCain in the heat of an election, how can we 
possibly count on him when the heat is really on in the White House?"

Both candidates have aired Spanish-language radio and TV ads primarily in the 
Southwest and Florida, where growing Hispanic populations have the potential to 
help turn previously red states blue for Obama. A July survey by the Pew 
Hispanic Center gave Obama a wide lead over McCain nationwide among Latino 
voters, and Democrats don't plan to let the lead slip.

"Whenever we get a punch from Senator McCain, we're going to counterpunch 
harder," former transportation secretary Federico Pena said on the conference 
call. "We're not going to take any vote for granted."
The Obama campaign also plans to start airing advertisements next week in 


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