Obama Lies About El Rushbo in
Spanish-Language Immigration Ad

Barack Obama smears Rush in new campaign spot.

 ABC News: Obama's Ad Es Erróneo
 Politico: Limbaugh Lashes Back
 Powerline: The Most Hateful Ad Ever?

 Watch Obama's Ad: "Dos Caras"
 YouTube: Gore Calls Rush a "Distinguished American" During the NAFTA Debate -- 
 2006 Morning Update: The Limbaugh Laws
(Morning Update video is in QuickTime format)

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Obama Lies About El Rushbo in Spanish-Language Immigration Ad 

September 17, 2008

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RUSH:  Well, now, isn't this interesting, ladies and gentlemen.  We're working 
on getting the audio to this.  This is from the Washington Post's blog called 
The Trail today, story by Ed O'Keefe.  "The Obama campaign has released new 
radio and TV ads in Spanish that seek to tie Sen. John McCain to anti-immigrant 
comments made by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. The ads also suggest the 
Republican has 'dos caras' -- 'two faces' -- when it comes to his relations 
with Latino voters. The new messages, airing in Colorado, Nevada and New 
Mexico, come in response to recent Spanish-language ads by the McCain campaign 
that suggest Obama is responsible for the collapse of last year's bipartisan 
immigration reform efforts.  'They want us to forget the insults we've put up 
with, the intolerance,' the television ad's announcer says in Spanish as a 
picture of Rush Limbaugh appears onscreen with quotes of him saying, 'Mexicans 
are stupid and unqualified' and
 'Shut your mouth or get out.'"  

I never said those things.  "'They made us feel marginalized in a country we 
love so much,' the ad continues. 'John McCain and his Republican friends have 
two faces.'"  The audio here is probably going to be in Espanol, but this is 
the translation.  "A picture of Rush Limbaugh appears onscreen with quotes of 
him saying, 'Mexicans are stupid and unqualified' and 'Shut your mouth or get 
out.'"  Never said those things.  Never said those things.  Anyway, we'll get 
the audio of this, and when it's ready to go, even if it is in Spanish, I want 
to hear how they pronounce my name in Spanish. 


RUSH: All right, we have this ad in which I am misquoted and impugned, Obama's 
Spanish language ad.  We're in the process of getting this translated, but we 
know enough about it.  The ad says they want us to forget the insults we put up 
with, the intolerance, from the TV ad's narrator, saying in Spanish, a picture 
of Rush Limbaugh appears on screen with quotes of him saying "Mexicans are 
stupid and unqualified, shut your mouth or get out."  So here is the ad.  This 
ad, by the way, running in Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, and here it is.  

(playing of Spanish language Obama ad)  

Did you hear my name in there?  I did not hear my name.  Now, maybe it's just a 
picture with my name subtitled and so forth and then the quotes, but it says 
they want us to forget the insults that we put up, the intolerance, as a 
picture of me appears on screen with quotes.  Well damn it, I wanted to see how 
they pronounced my name.  So that ad is running in Colorado, Nevada, and New 
Mexico, and it's because McCain is apparently running ads out there saying that 
Obama was responsible for comprehensive immigration reform falling flat.  Well, 
you would hope it would be El Rushbo, but the Washington Post copy does not 
give any indication that they call me El Rushbo.  But I think they should that 
know I call myself El Rushbo.  They probably do.  


RUSH:  We've been doing a little research here, ladies and gentlemen, on this 
Obama Spanish language ad quoting me.  It's a TV ad that they quote me as 
saying a couple things, an ad running in New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado.  One 
of the things they quote me as saying is, "Shut your mouth or get out."  And 
what they're doing in this ad is tying me to McCain, saying that the 
Republicans are two-faced on immigration and so forth.  While McCain is out 
there saying he loves illegal immigrants and wants to welcome them, the real 
Republicans like me are saying, shut your mouth or get out.  Now, what's 
interesting, I never said that.  Even in the heat of the amnesty battle, I 
never said shut your mouth or get out, even in the middle of those protests.  
What we have learned is that the usual suspects are behind this.  The Media 
Matters types, the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting types, they are the 
people putting together Obama ads. Obama's new,
 right? Obama's into unity, Obama's into change, he's using the same old 
Democrat Party flacks, the same hacks.  The statement you're a foreigner, shut 
your mouth and get out, was made, I did say it, but in a parody of Mexican 
immigration laws in a Morning Update April 6th of 2006.  

We were making fun of Mexican immigration laws by trying to point out the stark 
difference between what you can do as an immigrant or illegal immigrant in 
Mexico versus what they can do here.  Now, let me just give you some of the 
highlights of this.  "Everybody's making immigration proposals these days.  Let 
me add mine to the mix.  Call it the Limbaugh Laws.  First, if you emigrate to 
our country--" Now, you have to keep in mind that when this Update ran, we're 
in the midst of another one of these high-pressured debates of illegal 
immigration, and we have learned what Mexican immigration laws are.  I'm 
simply, in this Update, informing people what Mexican immigration laws are.  

"Everybody's making immigration proposals these days.  Let me add mine to the 
mix.  Call it the Limbaugh Laws.  First, if you emigrate to our country you 
have to speak the native language.  You have to be a professional or an 
investor.  No unskilled workers allowed.  Also there will be no special 
bilingual programs in the schools with the Limbaugh Laws, no special ballots 
for elections, no government business will be conducted in your language, 
foreigners will not have the right to vote or hold political office.  If you're 
in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayers.  You are not entitled to 
welfare, food stamps, or other government goodies.  You can come if you invest 
here an amount equal to $40,000 times the daily minimum wage.  If not, stay 
home.  But if you want to buy land it's going to be restricted.  No waterfront, 
for instance.  As a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to the 
property.  And another thing, you
 don't have the right to protest.  You're allowed no demonstrations, no foreign 
flag waving, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his 
policies.  You're a foreigner, either shut your mouth or get out.  And if you 
come here illegally, you're going to jail.  You think the Limbaugh Laws are 
harsh?  Well, every one of these laws I just mentioned are actual laws of 
Mexico today.  That's how the Mexican government handles immigrants in their 
country, yet Mexicans come here illegally and protest in our streets.  How do 
you say double standard in Spanish?  How about no mas?"  

It happens constantly when they want to link me, the left, constantly take me 
totally out of context, knowingly doing so.  We can even go back, we could 
probably post on the website the Dittocam version of this Morning Update from 
April 6 of 2006 to prove it.  Well, we don't need to prove it, but here.  I'm 
reciting Mexican immigration law:  You're a foreigner, shut your mouth or get 
out.  The Obama campaign has taken "shut your mouth or get out" from this 
commentary and put it in an Obama ad and claiming I said that about Mexicans in 
this country, when I never have, plain and simple.  Also, what is the other 
quote they have me saying?  I don't have it in front of me.  Stupid and 
unskilled Mexicans.  That was way back in 1994 from the NAFTA debate, and I was 
chiding Americans -- remember, I was pro-NAFTA -- I was chiding Americans for 
being afraid of losing the kind of jobs that would go to an unskilled 
workforce.  I was referring to the stupid
 and unskilled workers in this country, too, as a sales pitch for NAFTA, don't 
worry about these kind of jobs, they're jobs you won't do anyway, is what I 
said back in 1994.  And both of these things have been taken out of context on 
purpose, and I'm not even sure that the first quote's accurate 'cause this 
wacko from the Boston Globe, Derrick Jackson, who is an extremist leftist to 
the hilt has picked it up and quoted it, but that's it.  We now know that the 
people running Obama's campaign ran the Clintons campaign, they're the same 


Read Rush’s Original Morning Update…

• Rush Proposal: The Limbaugh Laws - 04.06.06

Read the Background Material...

• Washington Post: Obama Invokes Rush Limbaugh in New Spanish-Language Ads

*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over 

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