Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Sun, 9/21/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CAIR Executive Director: 'We Should Not Blame the United States Alone for
the 9/11 
US NEWSSun, Sep 21, 2008 at 9:32:30 am PDT

At the Investigative Project on Terrorism: CAIR Exec's Telling Interview.

In a recent interview with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islam
website, and reported by the BBC Middle East Monitoring Service, the Council on

American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR), Executive Director Nihad Awad reflected
on "interfaith 
dialogue," the Bush administration, the upcoming presidential election,
and the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict.

Asked about the prospect of a new U.S. president, and whether American Muslims
support for George W. Bush in 2000, Awad's answer offers a disturbing
window into his 

"We should not blame the Muslims for taking part in the political process,
and we should 
not blame the United States alone for the 11 September 2001 attacks, but we
should also 
blame the perpetrators." (Emphasis added)
How noble.

It shouldn't surprise anyone to see Awad give an interview with a
website. After all, the Brotherhood's deputy chief, Mohammed Habib,
acknowledged in an interview that there is a relationship between his group and
That's what federal prosecutors in the Hamas financing case against the
Holy Land 
Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) have said for more than a year,
naming CAIR 
as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood's "Palestine Committee."
That is less than thinly-
veiled code for Hamas. Awad's former employer, the Islamic Association of
Palestine (IAP), 
was also named in the same document as part of the Brotherhood's Palestine
and has been named by two federal judges as a Hamas front group.

Incidentally, prosecutors reiterated CAIR's role in the conspiracy last
week, introducing 
their Second Supplemental Trial Brief for the upcoming case, which stated:

"Along with the HLF, whose function was to raise funds on behalf of Hamas,
the Palestine 
Committee oversaw the Islamic Association for Palestine ('IAP'), the
United Association for 
Studies & Research ('UASR') and, later on, the Council on American
Islamic Relations 
The prosecution sees CAIR as a sister-organization to the chief financial front
group for 
Hamas in the U.S., and not without reason. In the days after the horrific 9/11
attacks, CAIR used its website to solicit funds for HLF, sending visitors who
clicked on a 
button which read, "Donate to the NY/DC Emergency Relief Fund," to
the HLF website. In 
other words, CAIR used the occasion of the worst terror attack on U.S. soil to
direct its 
constituents to send money to a Hamas-front group.

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