Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Sun, 9/21/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Another honor killing...

September 21, 2008
Jordan: father repeatedly stabs daughter, crushes her head with rock
Unknown to the English speaking world, another grisly apostate/honor killing
took place in the Muslim world, namely, Jordan. On August 28, 2008, days before
her 21st 
birthday, Rana Riad Muhammad Siwahra, wife and mother of two girls (aged 3 and
5) was 
murdered by her father. After stabbing her with a knife five-six times in the
stomach and 
chest, he smashed her skull in with a large rock. Afterwards, he washed his
hands and 
went to the market where he was later arrested.

The Jordanian press said the motive was "unclear," that they were
having personal 
"disagreements," and that he killed her in a "fit of rage."
Islam, ridda (apostasy) laws, and 
honor were never mentioned as possible motives.

Her husband, Sultan Muhammad Siwahra, however—himself on the run and in
recently interviewed on the Arabic satellite program, Su'al Jar'i
("Daring Question"), where 
he insisted that his wife was murdered specifically because of Islam and the
culture it 

For the record, Su'al Jar'i airs on Qanat al-Haya ("Channel of
Life" or "Life TV"), which also 
airs Father Zakaria Botros' shows, and is similarly dedicated to exposing
the problematic 
aspects of Islam, as well as focus on relevant events of the day—such as this
Hosted by apostate Muslim converts to Christianity—who also live in
hiding—known only 
by their first names, Rashid and Ahmed, the show's no-holds barred style
has made it, 
along with Father Zakaria's shows, one of the most watched programs on
Arabic satellite.

(Though the video is entirely in Arabic and there are no English subtitles,
images of the 
slain, her husband, and daughters can be seen on it. Also, thanks to Rabad
Castle and 
Robert for bringing this to my attention.)

According to Sultan, he grew up in an average Muslim household; yet, when he
was a 
teenager, he was lured to the call of jihad, eventually going to Iraq in order
to fight the 
American infidels and gain entrance into a voluptuous paradise (he asserted
that, as a 
teenager, one of his greatest motivations to go on the jihad was the promise of
"unearthly" women in paradise).

To make a long story short, he eventually embraced Christianity (in part due to
Father Zakaria's show) and abandoned the jihad. When her family found out
that he had 
apostatized, they renounced him, razed his house, reclaimed their daughter,
according to sharia, which does not permit Muslim women to marry infidels,
that Rana's marriage to Sultan was null and void. In the meantime, he went
in hiding in 

Continue reading "Jordan: father repeatedly stabs daughter, crushes her
head with rock"
Posted by Raymond 

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