Let’s Blame Barney Frank, Chris Dodd & Bill Clinton...

Written By Frank Salvato...


Now I know how Elvis Presley felt when he shot his television!
Watching Barney Frank (D-MA) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) pontificate about
how they are going to save the country in it’s time of financial
crisis made me nauseous. How is it that these two charlatans can fain
concern when they are among the principles responsible for getting the
taxpayers into this mess?

By now even the most intellectually stunted among us understands that
the first casualty of politics is honesty. No matter how superficial
or how serious the matter, inside the beltway spin doctors take the
facts, carve out anything that points to their client’s guilt or
responsibility in any given matter and then figure out how to package
it so they can level a charge of irresponsibility and ineptness at
their opponents or opposing colleagues. Kool-Aid drinking political
sycophants glom on to these talking points and suddenly the innocent
are the guilty and the inept and responsible are pointing fingers of

There are several facts that we must not allow the spin doctors, the
mainstream media and the guilty to rearrange:

1) Ever since George W. Bush came to power in 2000 he, along with Sen.
John McCain, have been spotlighting the need for a reform of the laws
that govern SEC and Wall Street oversight. Their insistence on
oversight reform of our financial institutions and markets has been
consistent, loud and ignored.

2) The current financial quagmire in which our nation is firmly
planted started, arguably, when Bill Clinton, came up with his
“National Homeownership Strategy.” This financial scheme, most likely
geared toward bolstering Bubba’s legacy as a man who “cared about the
little people,” promoted insanely low down payments and coerced
lenders into giving mortgage loans to first-time buyers with unstable
financing and incomes.

3) Barney Frank (D-MA), as Chairman of the House Financial Services
Committee and Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Banking,
Housing & Urban Affairs Committee had ample knowledge of President
Bush’s and Senator McCain’s concerns about the need for oversight
reform for the financial markets, yet they chose to play the roles of
obstructers instead of reformers. They had the power all along to
affect reforms for the financial oversight process and they did

Now, as we approach the presidential election of 2008 we witness two
Democrat political opportunists trying feverishly to rewrite the
history of their culpability with regard to the current financial
crisis so as to hang the blame on the Bush Administration and the
campaign of John McCain. Truth be told, as dishonest as the mainstream
media is these days they may just get away with it.

I don’t like the fact that the financial remedy for bad business
practices on Wall Street comes with a bill to the taxpayers of over
$700 billion dollars. While I understand the ramifications of allowing
AIG and other greed merchants of Wall Street to fail, it seems to me
that the real way to alleviate the liquidity problem of the financial
sector would be to afford the $700 billion of taxpayer monies to the
taxpayers who need to address their unqualified loans. This way they
could pay off or pay down the “bad paper” offered by the Wall Street
greed merchants, thus, loosening up capital with which they might

Really, it’s a simple thought; if the federal government is going to
give money to anyone give it to the people who earned it so they can
pay their bills. Wouldn’t this alleviate the problem?

As for Barney Frank and Chris Dodd...this is not the kind of “change”
we need in Washington DC.

Editor's Note:

Frank Salvato is the Executive Director and Director of Terrorism
Research for BasicsProject.org a non-profit, non-partisan, 501(c)(3)
research and education initiative. His writing has been recognized by
the US House International Relations Committee and the Japan Center
for Conflict Prevention. His organization, BasicsProject.org,
partnered in producing the original national symposium series
addressing the root causes of radical Islamist terrorism. He also
serves as the managing editor for The New Media Journal. Mr. Salvato
has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on FOX News Channel and is a
regular guest on talk radio including on The Right Balance with Greg
Allen on the Accent Radio Network and on The Captain's America Radio
Show catering to the US Armed Forces around the world. His opinion-
editorials have been published by The American Enterprise Institute,
The Washington Times & Human Events and are syndicated nationally. He
is occasionally quoted in The Federalist...

Mr. Salvato is available for public speaking engagements. He can be
contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...

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