Another Weatherman terrorist key player in Obama campaign 
Communists, socialists, anarchists also part of political organization

Posted: September 26, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily 

Former Weathermen member Mark RuddJERUSALEM – One of the main founders of the 
Weathermen terrorist organization is a signatory to an independent organization 
acting to ensure the election of Sen. Barack Obama, WND has learned.
The group in question, Progressives for Obama, also includes among its ranks 
many former members of the 1960s radical organization Students for a Democratic 
Society, from which the Weathermen splintered, as well as current and former 
members of other radical organizations, such as the Communist Party USA and the 
Black Radical Congress.
In its creed, first published in March in the Nation magazine, the Progressives 
for Obama founders state their organization descended from the "proud tradition 
of independent social movements that have made America a more just and 
democratic country."
Progressives for Obama stated it can help the Illinois senator's ascent to 
highest office by contributing funds, using the Internet to reach "millions of 
swing voters;" defending Obama against negative attacks and making its agenda 
known at the Democratic National Convention.
"Progressives can make a difference in close primary races like Pennsylvania, 
North Carolina, Oregon and Puerto Rico, and in the November general election," 
the founders state.



The founders stress it is crucial to form a grassroots leftist movement to 
ensure Obama does not stray too far to the center, claiming other grassroots 
liberal movements have successfully pressured U.S. presidents into creating new 
It was the industrial strikes and radical organizers in the 1930s who pushed 
Roosevelt to support the New Deal. It was the civil rights and student 
movements that brought about voting rights legislation under Lyndon Johnson and 
propelled Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy's antiwar campaigns. It was the 
original Earth Day that led Richard Nixon to sign environmental laws. 

And it will be the Obama movement that will make it necessary and possible to 
end the war in Iraq, renew our economy with a populist emphasis, and confront 
the challenge of global warming. We should not only keep the pressure on 
[Obama] but also connect the issues that Obama has made central to his campaign 
into an overarching progressive vision."
Among the signatories and endorsers to Progressives for Obama is Mark Rudd, one 
of the main founders of the Weathermen terrorist organization. Rudd worked 
closely for years with Weathermen terrorist William Ayers, whose association 
with Obama has generated controversy for the presidential candidate.
Rudd originally was a top member of the Students for a Democratic Society, or 
SDS, leading the famed 1968 Columbia University strikes in which hundreds of 
students seized several university buildings. He also served as spokesman for 
the strikes, attracting international media attention.
In 1968, Rudd traveled with the SDS to Cuba, defying U.S. travel bans, where he 
says he was heavily influenced by the legacy of Che Guevara and by Cuban-style 
revolution. When he returned to the U.S., Rudd advocated for Columbia's chapter 
of the SDS to carry out militant, aggressive action, but he was turned down.
A bio published on his own website explains Rudd worked to form the Weathermen 
as a radical alternative to the SDS and for white Americans to eject their 
"white skin privilege" and begin "armed struggle" against the U.S. government.
The Weathermen took responsibility for bombing U.S. governmental buildings in 
the 1970s.
Rudd went underground in 1970, when a bomb exploded in a townhouse in Greenwich 
Village in New York City, killing three of his comrades. He lived for seven and 
a half years in hiding as a fugitive, finally surrendering in 1977, facing only 
low-level state charges after federal charges against Weathermen leaders had 
been dropped. He resurfaced as a teacher in New Mexico.
As late as 2005, Rudd wrote an editorial in the Los Angeles Times lamenting the 
state of the antiwar movement in the U.S.
"What's hard to understand – given the revelations about the rush to war, the 
use of torture and the loss of more than 2,000 soldiers – is why the antiwar 
movement isn't further along than it is. Given that President Bush is now 
talking about Iraq as only one skirmish in an unlimited struggle against a 
global Islamic enemy, a struggle comparable to the titanic, 40-year Cold War 
against communism, shouldn't a massive critique of the global war on terrorism 
already be underway?" he wrote.
Rudd condemned the Weathermen's decision to embark on an "armed-struggle," 
calling it "stupid" since the violent acts led to the group's demise.
Rudd didn't condemn the terrorism itself, only its contribution to the downfall 
of the Weathermen.
Rudd declined to speak on the record to WND, explaining an interview may spark 
more Weathermen controversy for Obama.
Rudd is just one of scores of radicals involved with Progressives for Obama.
The group was founded by four individuals with ties to extremist groups:

Tom Hayden, a former state senator who was a founder and principal organizer of 
the SDS. Discover the Networks notes Hayden, previously married to actress Jane 
Fonda, traveled many times to North Vietnam, Czechoslovakia and Paris to 
strategize with communist North Vietnamese and Viet Cong leaders on how to 
defeat America's anti-communist efforts. 

Bill Fletcher, a former Maoist and current leader of Democratic Socialists of 
America or DSA. The New Zeal blog notes Fletcher was also a founder of the 
Black Radical Congress, closely linked to the Communist Party USA, which 
advocated for "progressive social justice, racial equality and economic justice 
goals within the U.S. 

Barbara Ehenreich, an honorary chairman of DSA who was formerly active in 
antiwar movements in which some notorious radicals took part. 

Actor Danny Glover, a member of the Black Students Union, who has visited 
Venezuela, making guest appearances on President Hugo Chavez's television and 
radio talk show. He reportedly has accepted loans of about $20 million from the 
Venezuelan government to make a movie about a Haitian revolutionary leader. 
The Progressives for Obama webmaster is Carl Davidson, a former vice president 
of the Students for a Democratic Society, who has traveled to Cuba to meet with 
Fidel Castro.
The signatories and endorsers of the Obama activist group, listed on the 
Progressives website, include scores of well known communist, socialist and 
anarchist activists and former SDS members.
The Obama campaign was not prepared to comment on the links to Rudd and other 
extremists in the allied organization.
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