Islamism Infiltrating American Schools...
SARASOTA, FL. (NS) - In their new book, "The Trouble with Textbooks: Distorting History and Religion," Dr. Gary Tobin and co-author Dennis Ybarra reveal that the most widely used textbooks in America's schools are presenting a distorted view of Christianity, Judaism and the Middle East. Their five-year study of 28 social studies, history, and geography textbooks shows that they are filled with errors, inaccuracies, and even worse - propaganda... One notable example: "Christianity was started by a young Palestinian named Jesus" (The World, published by Pearson/Scott Foresman). The authors stop short of trying to make Jesus a distant cousin of Yassir Arafat, but not by much. Jesus's Jewish heritage is glossed over, including his status as a rabbi, and his Biblical references to the people of Israel... Just how far can we get from true objectivity and historical accuracy in our own schools in America? The UK should sound a cautionary note for us: some Muslim groups are "offended" by schools teaching about the Holocaust, and as a result, this monumental historical event is being glossed over more and more in their schools. Could it happen here in the U.S.? Based on current trends in our textbooks, the unfortunate answer is "yes." Dr. Gary Tobin has been sought out frequently by the media as an expert on the general state of education in the U.S. and how both politically correct and Islamist elements are distorting the teachings of history, geography and religion in our schools. His previous book, The Uncivil University, dealt in part with Middle East matters and how they are taught at the college level. His latest book, The Trouble with Textbooks, examines K through 12 and how Judaism, Christianity and Islam as well as the Middle East crisis are dealt with in textbooks... In relation to the Middle East, a common trend in American textbooks is to present Israel, Christians and Jews in a very critical light and to glorify Islam. Israel, for instance, is often depicted as a colonial aggressor, while the Palestinians are presented as victims and their terrorist groups are called "militants." In reference to Christians, textbooks talk of Jesus "whom the Christians believe is the Messiah;" in relation to Jews, "Moses claimed to have received the Ten Commandments from God;" while when Islam is written about, there is no hesitancy to say that the Koran contains "the revelations received by Muhammad from God," or that, "Muhammad's teachings are the revealed word of God." The problem is much more widespread than Americans are aware; and Dr. Tobin and Mr. Ybarra will educate your audience on how this trend is actually increasing the very real threat to our national security. They are available to talk about how political correctness and Islamist elements are mangling the truth in American textbooks and how we can reverse this trend for our children's sake... --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are a member of the "News Sarasota" Google group... To read more, go to: To hear more, go to: Enjoy the priviledge you now share with others who want to know what others don't... Thanks, Matt Bruce Managing Editor News Retired 25 Year Fire-Rescue Captain Host Of: "The Captain's AMERICA" Show Heard From 12 noon to 1 PM ET Monday Thru Friday LIVE On Net Talk Across America & Around The Globe At The Speed Of The Internet... Weekend's Overnight on The Accent Radio Network... Check Out: For more options, visit this group at To post to this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---