29. juli 2001. 14:00 Predsednik Nove Srbije Velimir Ilic rekao je da jos nije prihvatio ponudu da bude potpredsednik Vlade, naglasivsi da mu je ostao jos jedan razgovor sa premijerom Zoranom Djindjicem na tu temu. President of New Serbia Velimir Ilic said that he still haven't accepted offer to become vicepresident of Government and emphasized that he still have to talk one more time with primeminister Zoran Djindjic on that topic. 13:40 Predstavnici cetiri vodece stranke u Makedoniji nastavili su danas razgovore, zapocete juce, ciji je cilj okoncanje pobune albanske Oslobodilacke nacionalne armije, ali nema znakova napretka u pregovorima. Representatives of four leading Macedonian parties continued today with negotiations, started yesterday, which aim is ending of Albanian rebelion led by Liberation national army, but there are still no signs of progression in negotiations. 13:20 Londonski Sandej Tajms danas prenosi pisanje sarajevske stampe da je supruga bivseg predsednika Republike Srpske Radovana Karadzica kupila stan u Torontu. London's Sunday Times reported today about allegation of Sarajevo's media who claim that wife of former president of Republic of Srpska Radovan Karadzic bought a flat in Toronto. 13:00 Jedan od lidera Srba sa severa Kosova Marko Jaksic ocenio je da je neophodno organizovati konferenciju o Kosovu na kojoj bi tamosnji Srbi i Albanci, uz prisustvo medjunarodne zajednice, resili osnovna pitanja buducnosti te pokrajine. One of the leaders of Serbs from north of Kosovo Marko Jaksic estimated that it is necessary to organize a conference about Kosovo at which local Serbs and Albanians, with presence of international community, would solve basic issues of future of that province. 12:40 Nekadasnji americki ambasador u Zagrebu Piter Galbrajt rekao je da smatra vrlo mogucim da ce biti svedok na sudjenju u slucaju "Oluje", akcije hrvatske vojske protiv krajinskih Srba 1993. Former American ambassador in Zagreb Peter Galbright said that he thinks that it is possible that he will be witness in the trail of the case "Oluja", action of Croatian army against Serbs from Krajina in 1993. 12:20 U ponedeljak 30.jula (dan kaskadera) u 17:30 jugoslovenski kaskaderi ce odrzati dobrotvornu akciju "Hrabri za decu" na starom savskom mostu. Sav prihod je namenjen Domu za nezbrinutu decu u Zvecanskoj. Kaskaderi ce izvoditi skokove sa mosta visine 40m. Vise o akciji mozete saznati na http://www.kaskaderi.org.yu/brave.htm. On Monday, July 30th (national stunt day) at 5:30 pm Yugoslav stuntmen will perform a charitable action on an old bridge over Sava river. All donations are for the Home for parentless children in Zvecanska street. Stuntmen will jump from the 40 m high bridge. More details on http://www.kaskaderi.org.yu/brave.htm. 12:00 Portparol Demokrastke stranke Srbije Milorad Jovanovic optuzio je crnogorskog predsednika Mila Djukanovica da obmanjuje gradjane Crne Gore pricom da ce i ukoliko se otcepi Crna Gora ostati u savezu sa Srbijom. Spokesman of Democratic party of Serbia Milorad Jovanovic has accused Montengrin president Milo Djukanovic for deception of Montengrin citizens with story that if Montengro breaks off it will still remain in allience with Serbia. 11:40 Politicki lideri kosovskih Albanaca su posetu potpredsednika Vlade Srbije Nebojse Covica Kosovu ocenili kao provokaciju i stetnu za razvoj demokratskih procesa u pokrajini. Political leaders of Kosovo Albanians estimated that visit of vicepresident of Serbian government Nebojsa Covic to Kosovo is provocation and bad for development of democratic process in that province. 11:20 Jugoslovenska vaterpolo reprezentacija izgubila je od nacionalnog tima Spanije rezultatom 4-2 u finalu Svetskog prvenstva odrzanog u Japanu. Yugoslav waterpolo representation lost to national team of Spain with result 4-2 in the final match of World cup held in Japan. 11:00 Politicki lider Liberalnog saveza Crne Gore Miodrag Zivkovic izjavio je za da ova stranka "ozbiljno sumnja da je bilo tajnih pregovora izmedju Demokratske partije socijalista i DOS-a, ali da nema cvrstih dokaza, koji bi to potvrdili". Political leader of Liberal alliance of Montenegro Miodrag Zivkovic stated that his party "has serious doubts that Democratic party of Socialists had secret talks with DOS, but they don't have hard evidence to prove that". 10:40 Savetnik crnogorskog predsednika Miodrag Vukovic izjavio je da ce do razgovora Crne Gore i Srbije doci nakon razresenja sukoba izmedju jugoslovenskog predsednika Vojislava Kostunice i premijera Srbije Zorana Djindjica. Advisor of Montengrin president Miodrag Vukovic stated that dialogue between Montengro and Serbia will start after ending of conflict between Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica and Serbian primeminister Zoran Djindjic. 10:20 Americki ambasador u Beogradu Vilijam Montgomeri ocenio je da "proces pomirenja na jugu Srbije ima uspeha" i da je to "najlepsa stvar koja se desila na Balkanu". American ambassador in Belgrade William Montgomery estimated that "process of reconciliation at south of Serbia is successful" and that is "the most beautiful thing that happened at Balkans". 10:00 Koordinator Evropske unije za bezbednost i spoljnu politiku Havijer Solana izjavio je da bi, ukoliko pregovori o miru u Makedoniji budu uspesni, snage NATO vrlo brzo mogle da pocnu rasporedjivanje u regionu. Coordinator of European union for security and foreign politics Xaviar Solana stated that, if negotiations about peace in Macedonia succeed, NATO forces might soon dispose in the region. 09:30 Potpredsednik Vlade Srbije i koordinator za Kosmet Nebojsa Covic izjavio je da ce, u skladu sa dogovorom DOS-a, do 2. avgusta ove godine predati jugoslovenskoj i srpskoj vladi strategiju svoje misije na Kosmetu, koja je pocela posetom Gracanici. Vicepresident of Serbian government and coordinator for Kosovo and Metohija Nebojsa Covic stated that he will, according to the agreement with DOS reached on August 2nd, deliver to Yugoslav and Serbian government strategy of his mission at Kosovo and Metohija, which started with his visit to Gracanica. 00:00 NATO je izjavio da je zadovoljan profesionalnoscu jugoslovenskih snaga i nije tacno da ce se one povuci iz zone bezbednosti na jugu Srbije. NATO stated that they are satisfied with professionalism of the Yugoslav forces and they denied that the forces would withdrow from the Safety Zone in the south of Serbia. 23:40 Politicki lider Liberalnog saveza Crne Gore Miodrag Zivkovic je rekao da nije iznenadjen zakljuccima celnika DOS-a o ocuvanju savezne drzave, ali je upozorio da ce njegova stranka vladajucoj koaliciji u Crnoj Gori otkazati poslusnost, ako pristane na zajednicku drzavu. Political leader of the Liberal Union of Montenegro Miodrag Zivkovic said that he was not surprised with the conclusions of the DOS leaders about preservation of the Federal state, but he warned that his party would cancel obedience to the leading Montenegrin coalition, if it agrees to the joined state. 23:20 Americki ambasador u Beogradu Vilijam Montgomeri izjavio je da Vasington razmatra mogucnost da finasijski pomogne uklanjanje mina na jugu Srbije. American ambassador in Belgrade Wiliam Montgomery stated that Washington considers a possibility to help financially the removal of mines in the south of Serbia. 23:00 Potpredsednik SPS-a Branislav Ivkovic indirektno je potvrdio da supruga bivseg predsednika SR Jugoslavije Mirjana Markovic vodi kampanju protiv njega da ga ukloni iz rukovodstva nekadasnje vladajuce stranke. Vice-president of the Socialistic Party of Serbia (SPS) Branislav Ivkovic indirectly confirmed that Mirjana Markovic, wife of the former FRY President, is leading a campaign against him so as to remove him from the leadership of the former leading party. 22:40 "Odluka DOS-a je sasvim korektna, i cini se da pokazuje da je drzava Srbija stala na stranu Srba", rekao je potpredsednik DSS-a i jedan od lidera Srba sa Kosova, Marko Jaksic. "The DOS decision is totally correct, and it seems that it shows that the state of Serbia took the side of Serbs", Vice-president of the DSS and one of the leaders of Serbs from Kosovo Marko Jaksic said. 22:20 Potpredsednik vlade Srbije i jedan od lidera koalicije DOS, Zarko Korac izrazio je neslaganje sa povratkom rezidencijalnih objekata kraljevskoj dinastiji Karadjordjevic. Bilo bi u redu da je drzava pomogla toj porodici i da joj je dodelila neku vilu i slicno. Ovaj trijumfalni povratak znaci da se monarhija vraca na mala vrata i zato sam protestovao , rekao je Korac. "Ne moze se iza ledja naroda boriti za povratak monarhije, mora se otvoreno reci sta se zeli tim gestom", rekao je Korac. Vice-president of the Serbian Government and one of the leaders of the DOS coalition Zarko Korac expressed disagreement with the return of residental facilities to the royal family Karadjordjevic. "It would be fine if the state helped the family and gave them some villa and something like that. This triumphal return means that monarchy returns underhandedly and that is why I protested", Korac said. "It cannot be fought for the monarchy return behind people's back, it must be said openly what the gesture means", Korac said. 22:00 Evropske zemlje clanice NATO sve vise iritira politika SAD na Balkanu kao i ona koju trenutno vode kada je rec o krizi u Makedoniji, pise nemacki nedeljnik "Spigl". Europien countries, NATO members, are getting more and more irritated with USA politics in the Balkans and the one they are currently leading about Macedonian crisis, writes German weekly "Der Spiegel". Serbian News Network - SNN [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.antic.org/