Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 29th, 2001, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Gun Control: Pulling the Noose Tighter

   In the aftermath of one of the world's bloodiest school
   rampages, German politicians have vowed to re-evaluate
   the country's gun laws. Whether tighter legislation would
   have prevented anything is in doubt.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_508926_1_A,00.html

   Israeli Forces Raid Hebron as Efforts Continue to End Siege in

   Israeli forces launched an incursion into the West Bank city of
   Hebron earlier on Monday, killing nine people. The Israeli army said
   it was conducting house-to-house searches for suspects and weapons
   following a deadly attack last Saturday on Israelis at a nearby
   Jewish settlement. The latest military action in Hebron came as
   diplomatic efforts were being made to end the siege at Yasser
   Arafat's compound in Ramallah. Palestinian officials said they would
   meet with U.S. and British experts to discuss the practical details
   of a proposal made by U.S. President George W. Bush that would
   restore Arafat's freedom of movement and remove Israeli forces from
   Ramallah. On another front, the Israeli cabinet was still resisting
   an authorized U.N. mission to probe the destruction in the Jenin
   refugee camp, despite international pressure. Israel says the
   composition of the team is too one-sided.

   15 Palestinians Leave Church of Nativity

   About 15 Palestinians have left from the Church of the Nativity in
   Bethlehem, where a stand-off between Israeli forces and Palestinians
   locked inside nears its fourth week. Observers at the scene believed
   the group who left the church would probably be detained by the
   Israelis for questioning. Some 200 other people remained inside the
   besieged shrine, where conditions were said to be worsening.

   Schroeder Plans to Address Violence on TV

   In the wake of a highschool shooting in Germany which left 17 dead,
   Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is planning to meet with television
   station directors this week to discuss putting limits on violent TV
   programs. The goal of the talks would be to get broadcasters to
   voluntarily control their output of violent programs. Schroeder also
   said he planned to work together with the country's leaders to
   noticably tighten gun-control legislation. Since last Friday's
   shooting, Germans are demanding protection from gunmen as well as
   tighter school security and bans on violent computer and video

   Indonesia military seeks martial law in Moluccas

   Indonesia's military said on Monday it wants martial law imposed on
   the Moluccan islands after at least 12 people were killed in weekend
   attacks. The killings came after several days of unrest in Ambon
   city, the capital of the Moluccas islands and scene of religious
   clashes that have claimed thousands of lives in the last three years.
   Indonesia has suffered from a series of religious, ethnic and
   separatist conflicts since President Suharto resigned in 1998. More
   than 85 percent of Indonesia's 210 million people are Muslim, but
   Christians comprise half the population in some eastern areas, such
   as the Moluccas.

   Britain Says, Captured Fighters to be Turned over to Afghanistan

   British forces in Afghanistan have reached a deal with the interim
   government there to hand over any captured Taliban or al Qaeda
   fighters. The Royal Marines also said they would grant
   prisoner-of-war status to any captured enemy. The agreement is in
   contrast to a U.S. decision to treat prisoners as "unlawful
   combatants" without rights under the Geneva Convention. British
   military sources said they had received assurances from the Afghan
   interim administration that the prisoners would not be mistreated
   once handed over.

   Madagascar Court Declares a New President

   Madagascar's High Constitutional Court has reported that a recount of
   disputed December elections indicated that the challenger, Marc
   Ravalomanana, actually beat President Didier Ratsiraka with 51.46
   percent of the vote. But President Ratsiraka said the court was
   biased and he would disregard the latest verdict, prompting warnings
   from analysts that the crisis on the Indian Ocean island was far from
   over. Up to 60 people have been killed in violence between the two
   camps since the disputed poll. Monday's court ruling dismissed
   official results announced in January and declared Ravalomanana
   president of the Republic for the next five years. Ratsiraka was due
   to comment on the situation later today.

   Mali Presidential Election Count Begins

   Counting has begun in Mali's presidential poll which was called to
   choose a successor to Alpha Oumar Konare. The constitution forces
   Konare to step down after 10 years in power. As vote counting
   started on Sunday evening, observers and officials said they expected
   none of the 24 candidates to get the needed 50 percent of votes,
   meaning a runoff would take place on May 12th. Final results are
   expected later in the week. Observers said that, apart from a few
   hitches, the election was free and fair.

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