The ICG Strikes Again 

New report pushes Kosovo "independence"  
by Nebojsa Malic 

The International Crisis Group â ICG for short (though they've recently 
decided to shun the acronym) â has long been a player on the Balkans scene, 
deployed first as rhetorical support for the Clinton regime's interventions, 
then as a pressure group to ensure the preservation of their pet policies under 
the reign of Bush II. Throughout, they've remained an almost ubiquitous 
presence in the Western media, which never questioned either their bona fides 
or their expertise. Perhaps the presence of many former government heads and 
numerous shadow policymakers gave the ICG access to secret corridors of power 
and influence, or maybe the combination of American money and Brussels location 
made it the perfect conduit for joint U.S.-EU imperial projects. Either way, 
the ICG exploded onto the international scene in 1995, made a name for itself 
peddling the Kosovo war in 1999, and has continued its high-profile "conflict 
resolution" efforts ever since.

Long a supporter of independent, Albanian-dominated Kosovo, the ICG published a 
new report this week, titled "Kosovo: Toward Final Status," which unequivocally 
recommends that the occupied Serbian province be granted international 
recognition. The timing, coordination, and presentation of the report suggest 
it is part of a major push for Kosovo's independence, together with the efforts 
of pro-Albanian U.S. legislators and Kosovo "Prime Minister" Ramush Haradinaj.

The Evans Editorial

The full report is available as on ICG's Web site. However, ICG president 
Gareth Evans published the polished-up executive summary as an editorial 
Tuesday in the International Herald Tribune, European avatar of the New York 
Times. After laying out the proposal for Kosovo's independence, Evans took 
three paragraphs at the end to dismiss the moral and legal problems as mere 

"After years of efforts to engage Belgrade constructively on the Kosovo problem 
[!], working through the proposed accord process without Serbia would amount to 
not so much a callous disregard of Serbia's rights as a prudent denial of its 
capacity to wield a veto fraught with risk for everyone.

"As for the possibility of an uncooperative Russia, to resolve the Kosovo 
problem politically, without the Security Council's imprimatur, would be 
awkward, but much more defensible than the decision in 1999, faced with a 
similar veto, to intervene with military force.

"Legitimate Serbian concerns should be taken fully into account, above all the 
status of Kosovo's Serb minority, and Serbia should be warmly encouraged to 
participate fully in achieving the best possible terms of a final settlement. 
But the international community should caution Serbia's leaders from the outset 
that the train is leaving the station, with or without them." [Emphasis added]

What Evans and ICG term "prudence" is indeed the callous disregard of rights 
â not just any, but fundamental rights of a sovereign nation â and they add 
insult to injury by actually saying so outright. Moreover, there have never, 
ever, been any efforts, least of all "constructive," to engage Belgrade on 
Kosovo â unless, of course, one counts the 1999 bombing and invasion. The ICG 
itself has been unflinchingly belligerent on the issue since 1998, and has 
steadfastly dismissed any Serbian objection to Albanian claims. Then again, the 
argument "sure it would be illegal, but so was the 1999 war, and look how well 
that went" demonstrates that ICG is in open contempt of the reality-based 

Preparation and Coordination

Whatever the people at ICG may be, they are not political amateurs. They know 
how the game is played, and they play for keeps. More to the point, they are 
experts at PR and media management. For instance, the report's release on Jan. 
24 was prepared with an editorial by ICG's European program chief Nicholas 
Whyte, on the Web site of London's IWPR (a sister organization to ICG in many 
respects), on Jan. 21. 

Whyte's rather blunt argument was that "Kosovo has been moving toward 
independence since 1999, and it is time for the international community to say 
so." As for Serbia, it "needs to accept that Kosovo is lost, and that the role 
of Belgrade is to make the best case they can for the Serbs of Kosovo, rather 
than fantasize that they will get all, or part, of the province back."

Given ICG's connections within the Eurocracy, it simply cannot be a coincidence 
that ICG's report came out the same day that EU's enlargement commissar 
announced that Kosovo would be discussed during Emperor Bush's visit, scheduled 
for February. Every wire report about Olli Rehn's announcement also "mentioned" 
the ICG report. 

Nor can it be coincidental that Congressman Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) has just 
resubmitted a resolution to the U.S. House of Representatives supporting the 
independence of "Kosova," even though its predecessor died in committee before 
ever reaching the floor. ICG's media offensive is just the tip of the iceberg.

Belgrade's Reaction

As one might expect, the report poured additional oil on political fires in 
Belgrade. Serbian president Boris Tadic and Serbia-Montenegro FM Vuk Draskovic 
both rejected the possibility of Kosovo's independence. However, Tadic's 
Democratic Party used the report to launch another attack on Prime Minister 
Kostunica, accusing him of undermining Belgrade's influence in Kosovo by not 
"cooperating" with the ICTY. 

It has long been obvious that what lurks under the euphemism "fulfillment of 
international obligations" is unconditional surrender to the whims of Carla 
delPonte. But regardless of what Kostunica thought about it morally, he is in 
an almost hopeless situation politically. If he knuckles under, he risks 
withdrawal of the Socialists' support that is keeping his minority government 
afloat. If he doesn't, he risks defection by one of his coalition partners, 
G17, and possibly Draskovic's SPO; either would bring his government down.

Of course, with these pathetic excuses for leaders busy with their own agendas, 
Serbia definitely isn't looking toward Kosovo. ICG's recommendation that the 
"international community" should ignore Belgrade's protests has that much more 
weight when it's obvious those protests will be half-hearted at best.

The Leviathan Lurks

ICG and its American patrons may be in a hurry, but Europeans aren't quite as 
much. Brussels sees the entire Balkans eventually disappearing in its hungry 
maw, just as soon as the shattered countries of the region can be "built" into 
proper welfare states â or in the words of a pompous Eurocrat envoy to 
Macedonia, "security providers." The Eurocrats couldn't care less whether 
Serbia and Kosovo enter the EU together or separately, so long as they do.

This view was once again reaffirmed by Erhard Busek, head of the "Stability 
Pact for Southeastern Europe," interviewed last week by Radio Free Europe 
analyst Patrick Moore. (Though RFE is a propaganda outfit funded entirely by 
the U.S. government, Moore routinely defies official nomenclature by calling 
the occupied Serbian province "Kosova," its bastardized Albanian name.)

As described on its Web site, the Stability Pact "is the first serious attempt 
by the international community to replace the previous, reactive crisis 
intervention policy in South Eastern Europe with a comprehensive, long-term 
conflict prevention strategy." In practice, it's another political boondoggle 
that uses European taxpayers' money to buy influence in the Balkans.

Pandora's Box

Unfortunately, the current drift of Imperial policy suggests that ICG's 
"suggestions" might actually be adopted. For while it is true that the occupied 
Serbian province has been sliding toward separation since the 1999 war, that 
has been as much a consequence of Albanians' pulling as the Empire's pushing, 
despite the official rhetoric. At the very least, through their ignorance and 
malevolence, the occupiers have given Albanians a license to reshape Kosovo as 
they see fit. The resulting picture is horrifying â and therefore suppressed. 

Kosovo would be "independent" in the same way Ukraine is democratic, Iraq has 
been liberated, and George W. Bush is a champion of freedom. Great powers often 
got away with murder, both literally and figuratively, but in the past they at 
least tried to pretend otherwise. After the Kosovo War, that is no longer the 
case. The "illegal but legitimate" explanation used to justify NATO's naked 
aggression in 1999 opened the Pandora's Box of self-righteous interventionism 
we are witnessing in Iraq today, and who knows where else tomorrow. 

An independent Kosovo would be purely Albanian. The Serbian people, culture, 
and history in that region would be systematically eradicated, as they have 
been every time in history when Albanians dominated the province; as they have 
been over the past five years of "UN protectorate." Terrorism, ethnic hatred, 
and aggression would receive the ultimate reward from the hands of the very 
people who profess to fight and deplore them.

Is there justice in the world, or has it been corrupted to serve only the 
interests of Empire? Is there law still, or has it been replaced by might? 
Kosovo will be the true test of that â not Iraq, nor Afghanistan, nor any 
other place His Most Elevated Imperial Majesty decides to invade next, if he 
can muster the troops. As Kosovo goes, so will the soul of Western 
civilization. This is bigger than Serbs or Albanians; it's about principles the 
modern world was built upon, about restraints that â though imperfect by any 
definition â have nonetheless managed to stave off the self-annihilation of 
humanity. Shall they be trampled for the sake of slaking the power lust of 
sociopaths, or defended, if against overwhelming odds?

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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