OSCE Kosovo mission to host first regional parliamentary meeting in Pristina



PRISTINA, 9 June 2005  Parliamentarians from south-eastern Europe will gather tomorrow for the first time in Prishtinë/Priština to discuss the relationship between parliaments and their governments at a meeting organized by the OSCE Mission, the Stability Pact and the Assembly of Kosovo.


Ambassador Werner Wnendt, Head of the OSCE Kosovo Mission, and Professor Nexhat Daci, President of the Assembly of Kosovo, will open the event.


Representatives from all elected bodies in south-eastern Europe will meet their Kosovo counterparts and familiarize themselves with developments in Kosovo. Central to the Stability Pact concept of parliamentary diplomacy, parliamentarians play an important role in facilitating contacts as a means of supporting relations throughout the region.


The purpose of the meeting is to equip parliamentarians with instruments to establish effective oversight over their governments, without obstructing the system. A further is to establish contacts and working relationships among parliaments in the region.


The OSCE Mission is encouraging further inter-parliamentary contacts by the Assembly of Kosovo through the work of parliamentary committees and in bi-lateral contexts.


Representatives of the media are invited to a photo opportunity and attend the opening session, from 9:00 to 10:00, and to a press conference at 12:00 on Friday, 10 June, at the Hotel Victory, Prishtinë/Priština.




PA OMIK DD 25/05

Sven Lindholm
Mission Spokesperson
OSCE Mission in Kosovo
Tel: +381 38 500 162 ext.260
Mob: +377 44 500 254

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