The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005

        By Daniel Estulin
        Online Journal Contributing Writer

Bilderburg participants at

Special Report

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005, Part II

By Daniel Estulin
Online Journal Contributing Writer

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June 7, 2005—Because of the near total blackout of this year's Bilderberg conference in the mass media, knowledge of what transpired behind the heavy guarded walls of Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Munich, Germany, May 5–8 is limited to the readers of Internet publications willing to challenge the veracity of the US mainstream media and the corrupt Bush administration.

The discussions Bilderberg participants engaged in, and the consensus they reached, will influence the course of Western civilization and the future of the entire planet. This meeting took place behind closed doors in total secrecy, protected by a phalanx of armed assassins.

And speaking of human nature, power corrupts. It corrupts those who wield it. And it corrupts those who seek to influence those who wield it. Media have long been part of the world of elites. The free press is a myth when powerful people own it. Only when many small people own it will it be a truly free press, and will on our "right to know" be possible.

In the Orwellian world of modern day journalism, where a new form of political correctness frames their every utterance, the language is contracting. Because the goal of totalitarian thought control is to make the _expression_ of political incorrectness impossible, words are used, not to make debating points, but to end all discussion.

In Bilderberg politics, life is compressed into a small number of people who spend a short period of time in a circle with a stunted radius.







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