
MakFax (Macedonia)
August 14, 2007

US supports independence of Kosovo

Skopje - United States continues to support
independence for Kosovo and this position has not
changed, says the statement of the US Embassy in
Skopje given to Makfax Agency.

"We continue to support independence for Kosovo and we
believe that, if there is no agreement between the
parties, the Ahtisaari Plan is the best way forward",
the statement says.

US supports "this serious final attempt" to reach any
agreement between the parties, the statement says,
adding that "the Ahtisaari Plan should be the basis
for these further discussions with the parties".

We also believe that the Contact Group’s guiding
principles remain valid, the statement further says.

The Troika composed of the United States, Russia and
the European Union will operate under the auspices of
the Contact Group and will facilitate a period of
engagement between Belgrade and Pristina.

The period of engagement is time-limited. The UN
Secretary General asked the Contact Group to report
back to him by December 10 and the Contact Group will
respect this deadline, says the statement of the US
Embassy in Skopje given to Makfax News Agency.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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