
Clinton's ticking time bomb in the Balkans 

With all the talk about the Neocon's fabulously evil and incompetent foreign
policy one might forget that it did not all begin with Dubya and his
administration. The first elective war which was fought in blatant and clear
violation of international law, the UN charter and even basic decency was
the US-lead NATO aggression on Yugoslavia.

It all really began with the joint US-Croatian attack on the UN protection
areas in Croatia (in which UNPROFOR forces were secretly ordered to stand
down and let the attacking forces enter the UN protection areas) and it
ended with the NATO air campaign in support of the KLA in Kosovo.

As usual in such cases, the aggression was described as a 'humanitarian
operation' in defense of the Kosovo Albanians. A Serbian police operation
against a KLA unit in the village of Racak was re-branded a 'massacre' (the
EU investigation which had uncovered the truth about this event was
immediately classified as 'secret' and quickly forgotten, just like the
UNPROFOR investigation of the Markale bombing in Sarajevo). Finally, the
panicked exile of thousands of Kosovo Albanians was deemed a 'genocide' and
the full scale bombing of Yugoslavia could be veiled in a pious
'humanitarian' cloak.

That huge air campaign failed miserably, at least in Kosovo proper: only a
couple of tanks and APCs were destroyed, but the rest of the Army Corps
deployed in Kosovo was left unscathed. The Empire then used its favorite and
time-tested method: it expanded its air strikes to the civil infrastructure
of Serbia and even Montenegro (the tactic used by Israel in 2006 against
Lebanon). But even that did not really do the trick. The Empire then played
its strongest card: it promised Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic that
he could stay in power as long as he agreed to betray his fellow Serbs in

Milosevic, who had already betrayed the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia by
supporting a NATO blockade against them and, even more crucially, by
ordering the Yugoslav armored units to withdraw when the Croats attacked,
could be counted on to also betray the Serbs in Kosovo. The Serb forces
withdrew from Kosovo, the Albanian returned, the Serbs fled and the
systematic destruction of Orthodox churches and ancient monasteries by KLA
goons began under the indifferent eyes of the NATO occupying forces.

Still, the Empire needed one more lie to fully achieve its aims: a promise
that a negotiated solution for Kosovo would be found within international
law, meaning that Kosovo would not simply be allowed to unilaterally secede
from Yugoslavia and declare independence. Milosevic did not care as long as
he was allowed to remain in power, and Russia was too busy being sucked dry
by the 'oligarchs' and their western patrons. The Empire had won: th KLA
thugs, which the Empire used to brand as 'terrorists' only a few years ago,
were now presented to the world as respectable politicians. 

Predictably, the KLA thugs now in power in Pristina were told that if no
negotiated agreement was found with Belgrade they could declare independence
and that, regardless of what the UNSC would decide, their independence would
be recognized. Unsurprisingly, these negotiations failed and now the KLA is
about to declare independence without a UNSC Resolution, but with a vast
majority of western countries supporting such a move. Their approach is
simple: its not like the Albanians would accept anything else anyway and
screw Serbia - who cares about what they have to say!

The problem with this 'easy' solution is that it overlooks a number of
important issues.

1) Albanians are not only Serbia's problem. They are also Greece's and
Macedonia's problem. Not only that, but the KLA ideology claims that a good
chunk of Macedonia should be part of a greater 'historical' Albania. The
reality is that an independent Kosovo would can exist as long as the
Empire's forces are willing to prop it up. Should the Empire collapse, or
its forces be withdrawn, the 'Kosova' statelet would immediately be taken
over by its neighbors (I remember having a conversation with a Greek officer
who told me: "you know what? the Serbs should send one battalion into
Macedonia, we should send another and just get it over with". I can just
imagine what he would say about Kosovo). While Greece is more than capable
to deal with its Albanian problem, Macedonia is not, and Albanian terrorists
and criminal gangs are regularly involved in clashes with the Macedonian
police and military forces. A KLA-controlled Kosovo will make this situation
 infinitely worse.

2) the Serbs will *never* accept an Albanian-controlled Kosovo for the
simply reason that Kosovo is the birthplace of the Serbian national
identity. It is, in many ways, far more important to teh Serb nation that
Belgrade or any other part of Serbia. Having lived under the brutal Ottoman
occupation for many centuries the Serbs are used to waiting for a long time
if needed before liberating themselves. The Empire thinks about as far as
the next election. The Serbs will, if needed, wait for centuries before
re-taking Kosovo. Only a person wholly ignorant of the Serb culture and
history could think that they would ever accept to be booted out of Kosovo
by a joint KLA-NATO occupation.

3) Kosovo is totally landlocked and economically under-developed, even by
local standards. As soon as independence is declared, it will come under
embargo from Serbia (and possibly, at a later time, from Macedonia and
Montenego). Kosovo's only 'economy' will be the one of illegal trade and
trafficking (an Albanian long time specialty anyway). The fact that it will
be run by former KLA field commanders will only make things worse. Finally,
Kosovo's only neighbor who will be generally sympathetic to its independence
will be Albania proper - yet another hotbed of crime, corruption and
trafficking. It would be laughable to assume that US or European forces
could do anything to stop the inevitable descent of Kosovo and Albania even
further into state of crime and lawlessness which will affect all its
neighbors. Simply put - nobody in the Balkans can afford a KLA run Kosovo
which will prove a crime-spreading tumor which will metastasize throughout
the Balkans
 and the rest of Europe.

4) Kosovo's independence will have another dangerous consequence: it will
set a precedent. First, it will show that international law doesn't matter
any more. Second, it will lead the way for a number of other national and
ethnic groups aspiring for their own state. All these groups will now need
is a single powerful patron. Paradoxically, a lot of client states of the
USA in the former Soviet Union are likely to suffer from this: Georgia, the
Ukraine, Moldavia, Azerbaijan and many others are already involved in armed
struggles against their own separatist groups. All Moscow will need to do is
recognize them "as the USA did with Kosovo" and they will be able to secede
and there will be exactly nothing which Washington will be able to do to
help its distressed clients. More insidiously, Moscow will also be able to
only *threaten* to recognized such states in order to pressure the former
allies of the USA to bring them into Russia's sphere of influence
 (this is the scenario which I find most likely, in particular in Georgia).

The situation is Kosovo is nothing short of a complete disaster, and it is
about the become worse. Under Clinton the Empire was already lead by
clueless, ignorant and narrow-minded politicians whose only concern at the
time was to look good politically, to show some muscle, and to beat up what
they perceived as Russia's ally in the region (keep in mind that at the same
time when the West supported Albanian terrorists in Kosovo it also supported
them in Chechnia). As usual, such illiterate policies will result in many
forms of blowback, not only in the Balkans but far beyond.

I do not predict that anything truly dramatic will happen right after Kosovo
declares its independence. NATO forces will be on high alert, the Albanians
on their best behavior, and the Balkan countries will be quiet. TV crews
will report scenes of elation in Pristina, and some will even report from
the small Serb controlled enclaves. Belgrade will protest, and so will
Moscow. There will be a lot of back-slapping in Brussels and Washington. And
then everybody will forget about this statelet and turn to other, more
important, issues. Then, and only slowly and gradually, will the tumor
created by the Empire begin to spread throughout the Balkans and the first
instances of blowback begin to strike back at the Empire.

Posted by VINEYARDSAKER: at 10:17 AM 9 comments  
Labels: Albania, Empire, Kosovo, Serbia 
Boba Borojevic
(613) 852-1971

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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