Islam in Bosnia is the new stepping stone



Apr 29, 2010 


By Lee Jay Walker | The Ottoman Empire was the last major Islamic assault on 
Europe in order to Islamize the continent because the earlier Islamic conquest 
of Spain had crumbled into dust.  However, in the mindset of modern Islamists 
it is clear that Bosnia is “the Islamic bridge” whereby a new Islamic power can 
rise in the Balkans and then link with Islamists in Western Europe.

This may appear absurd to some people, however, in the mindset of the former 
Muslim leader and radical Islamists then this is the case.  For many moderate 
Muslims in Bosnia or secular minded Bosnian Muslims this may also seem 
groundless but history tells us something different.
After all, in modern day southern Thailand the Muslim insurgency once was based 
on nationalism or identity but today many Islamists want to cleanse southern 
Thailand of all Buddhists and many Buddhist monks have been killed.  Therefore, 
within a few generations in southern Thailand it is clear that radical Islam is 
growing and any accommodation with Buddhism is no longer warranted and instead 
it is pure Islamization.

 Christian slaves being sold in Constantinople. Islam enslaved 
Christians in the Balkans and forced dhimmitude on all non-Muslims. 

Christian slaves being sold in Constantinople. Islam enslaved Christians in the 
Balkans and forced dhimmitude on all non-Muslims.

Therefore, current events in places like southern Thailand can be linked to 
places like Bosnia because it is like a re-run of past history.  After all, it 
is clear that the Islamic ideology often rises up from the ashes and the 
logical conclusion of this is the complete destruction of all things not deemed 
to be Islamic.
In my article called Southern Thailand and Islamization, which was  
<> published by the Assyrian 
International News Agency, I stated that “In the past the conflict in southern 
Thailand was mainly an internal struggle between the majority Muslim community 
of three southern provinces (Pattani, Narathiwat, and Yala) and the government 
of Thailand. Therefore, for many decades you had the desire for an Islamic 
state but nationalism was also a core base for demanding independence. However, 
in recent times it is clear that the Pattani United Liberation Organization 
(PULO); the Barisan Revolusi Nasional-Coordinate (BRN-C); Bersatu; Gerakan 
Mujahadeen Islam Pattani (GMIP); and others, desire an Islamic state and they 
have a jihadist agenda.”
“In the past the Muslim insurgency was aimed at the government and military of 
Thailand but times have changed. Therefore, since 2001 it is clear that you now 
have an overwhelming Islamic jihadist agenda and this is aimed at forcing the 
Buddhists to flee and moderate Muslims are also being killed because they are 
deemed to be traitors.”
If we return back to Bosnia it is also clear that Alija Izetbegovic had a 
pan-Islamic dream and he welcomed Islamic terrorists from all over the world 
and accepted funding from nations like Saudi Arabia in order to Islamize 
society.  Izetbegovic was fully aware that Saudi Arabian funding and other 
forms of Islamic funding was part and parcel of his dream which was to Islamize 
After all, Saudi Arabia is not interested in supporting all the communities of 
Bosnia because this does not serve their Sunni Islamic Wahhabi cause.  
Therefore, irrespective if Orthodox Christian or Roman Catholic, both are 
deemed to be infidels. The bigger agenda is the creation of an Islamic state 
and then for this state to be the foundation of a pan-Islamic super-state.
Izetbegovic stated that “… Muslim nations will never accept anything that is 
explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, 
Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap 
nothing but hate and resistance. …”
Alija Izetbegovic therefore shared a common thread with the global jihad 
movement because he also stated“… In one of the thesis for an Islamic order 
today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to 
gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under 
present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic 
federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central 
Asia. …”
Vojin Joksimovich who is the author of “The Revenge of The Prophet” stated that 
“The jihadists, from their bases and support facilities in Iran, Sudan, 
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and elsewhere, did not come to Bosnia only to fight 
against the ‘Serbian aggressor,’ but for the first European religious state at 
large, for the establishment of the only faith among the European Muslims.”  
(Page 145)
This clearly rings true because this is what Izetbegovic believed in and Vojin 
Joksimovich continues by stating that the “Creation of Islamic states, 
so-called Jamahirya states, was the ultimate objective of all these movements.  
With the Koran in their hands the jihadists did not distinguish between 
Catholicism and Orthodoxy, only between believers and unbelievers.”  (Page 145)
According to Western media the war in Bosnia was about the Serbian aggressor 
against the innocent Muslim lamb.  However, the innocent Muslim lamb invited 
Islamists and terrorists from all over the world and clearly Izetbegovic had an 
important agenda and this was the Islamization of Bosnia because he laid down 
his theories.
Izetbegovic had written “The Islamic Declaration” (“Islamska deklaracija”) and 
he clearly had an agenda because he desired to start the stepping stone and 
major Western nations either fell into “the trap” or had “covert interests” in 
order to further their ambitions in the Balkans?  Either way, for radical 
Islamists and Izetbegovic it became apparent that major Western nations would 
do their bidding and on the ground it would be up to the Islamic community to 
make the most of this golden opportunity. 
This “hidden agenda” was kept from people because it did not fit the media 
image of an innocent community which was being victimized.  However, if the 
truth had been told then clearly serious questions would have been raised and 
the Western media would have been forced to have given a neutral version. 
Yet the “hidden agenda” and the reality of thousands of Islamic terrorists 
entering Bosnia and killing and slaughtering innocent Christians remained 
hidden from the general public.  The same applies to major funding from Saudi 
Arabia and other nations, and the real motives of Izetbegovic were never stated.
Turning back to the writer Vojin Joksimovich he states that “The Saudi 
Wahhabists, as a part of Wahhabi proselytism, lavishly funded penetration of 
Islamism into the Balkans.  As an example, Saudi scholar Ahmed ibn-Nafi of 
Mecca circulated a summon to all centers of the Pan-Islamic Salvation Committee 
at the outset of the conflict in Bosnia.”  (Page 144)
Ahmed ibn-Nafi of Mecca stated “We entrust you to see to the imminent 
establishment of the Caliphate in the Balkans, because the Balkans are the path 
to the conquest of Europe.  Every individual imam in our states, and especially 
Turkey, is ready to help.  Know, therefore brothers, that the time is working 
for us.  Let us help our brothers who are fighting for the holy cause in 
Bosnia.  Let us help them for the sake of Allah, by sending them money and 
weapons as we can, by sending them new mujahideen……The Caliphate is at hand.”  
(Page 144 – Israeli, 2002)
Therefore, radical Islamists in collusion with certain Western governments had 
a shared interest and the mass media acted shamelessly by denying these facts.  
Islamists obviously had a different long-term agenda but surely Afghanistan 
should have been a learning curve for Western governments which had special 
vested interests because the same forces which were unleashed could not be 
Pakistan today is paying the same price because Islamists were welcomed and 
supported in order to defeat communism in Afghanistan but the very same 
Islamists today have turned on their master.  Therefore, in modern day Pakistan 
you have many terrorist attacks and Islamization is a threat to the central 
state and all religious minorities, notably Christians, Hindus, Ahmadiyya 
Muslims, and Sikhs, suffer daily persecution.
Despite this, the Izetbegovic agenda and Islamic dream was supported and in a 
strange irony you had the democratic world supporting an ideology which desires 
to defeat and destroy democracy.
Izetbegovic had stated that “… In perspective, there is but one way out in 
sight: creation and gathering of a new intelligence which thinks and feels 
along Islamic lines. This intelligence would then raise the flag of the Islamic 
order and together with the Muslim masses embark into action to implement this 
order. …”
Therefore, just like Osama Bin Laden it is clear that Izetbegovic desired to 
raise “the flag of the Islamic order” and while secularists may deny this in 
modern day Bosnia, it is clear that others have a different agenda. 
If we turn back to southern Thailand then it is clear that you once had a 
nationalist movement but today we are talking about the systematic annihilation 
of Buddhism in southern Thailand by radical Sunni Islamists.  At the same time 
we are witnessing the destruction and marginalization of Hinduism and Buddhism 
in modern day Bangladesh.
The Islamic agenda may ultimately fail in Bosnia and the same applies to an 
Islamic caliphate in the Balkans.  However, one thing is for sure and this is 
that Islamists and funding from Saudi Arabia and other nations will certainly 
try.  After all, their version of the world is based on an Islamic ideology 
which desires power and to enforce dhimmitude on non-Muslims. 


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