Balkan meeting downgraded over Serbia-Kosovo wrangling 

May 7, 2010, 8:15 GMT 

Belgrade - Serbia and Kosovo agreed to send foreign ministers to a regional 
meeting in Sarajevo next month, though under conditions and at a lower level 
than what was planned, the Belgrade daily Danas reported Friday. 

To secure the attendance of Serbian and Kosovo chief diplomats, Vuk Jeremic and 
Skender Hyseni, participants in the June 2 meeting will not be photographed 
together before the meeting and there will be no joint statement, it said 
quoting officials. 

Further, the nametags will only show names of attending officials, without 
their function and country. Both Serbian and Kosovo representatives told Danas 
that the conditions were accepted. 

'We are happy because Serbia agreed to take part in Sarajevo,' the Kosovo 
government spokesman Mehmet Krasniqi told Danas. 

Kosovo is the mostly Albanian former Serbian province which declared 
independence in 2008, nine years after NATO ousted Belgrade's forces from there 
to end a brutal conflict. 

Though 67 countries, including the United States and most European Union states 
have recognized Kosovo, Serbia continues to fight its independence 
diplomatically. Backed by its superpower ally Russia, it has blocked Kosovo's 
accession to the United Nations. 

Saying Kosovo has no right to attend international meetings as a sovereign 
state, but only as a UN protectorate, Serbia in the past has boycotted several 
conferences, most recently a March regional summit in Slovenia. 

The meeting in Sarajevo was previously planned as a summit of Balkan nations 
and the EU, but was downgraded to a ministerial conference because of the 
diplomatic wrangling over Kosovo. 

'We agreed to take part in Sarajevo because it is a meeting at a lower level 
than the one in Slovenia,' Oliver Ivanovic of Serbia's Kosovo ministry said. 

According to the Serbian Deputy Premier Bozidar Djelic, the topics in Sarajevo 
are infrastructure, ecology, social policies and energy.


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