Kosovo: Serb minister eyes World Court ruling 

Belgrade, 17 May (AKI) - A forthcoming UN International Court of Justice
ruling on the legality of Kosovo's secession could offer "an unprecedented
chance" for a negotiated compromise, Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic
said on Monday.

Jeremic said the IJC ruling expected in the next few months would "create an
unprecedented chance to create a momentum for reaching the final goal - a
compromise between Serbs and (ethnic) Albanians."

IJC rulings are non-binding but carry great moral weight, according to

"In the meantime, we should streamline our efforts to find a mutual solution
through a dialogue," Jeremic said in a speech to be given later on Monday at
the United Nations Security Council in New York.

Serbia opposes Kosovo independence, declared by its overwhelmingly ethnic
Albanian majority two years ago, and has asked the ICJ to rule on the
legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence in February 2008,
spearheaded by Britain and the United States.

Serbia want Kosovo to remain within its borders and has called for fresh
talks on Kosovo's status. Kosovo ethnic Albanian leaders have said they were
only prepared to discuss "technical matters" aimed at improving relations
between Belgrade and Pristina and the rights of minority Serbs in Kosovo. 

"A solution through dialogue, not one-sided moves, is our goal," Jeremic

He said UN secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon's new report due to be discussed by
the Security Council "minimized the growing challenges" in Kosovo. 

Jeremic said Ban failed to acknowledge rampant corruption and organised
crime in the report. Kosovo's olice and judiciary were "subject to political
interference and inefficient," Jeremic said.



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