North Atlantic Treaty Organization
May 17, 2010

Remarks of Madeleine K. Albright at the meeting of the North Atlantic Council 
with the Group of Experts on NATO's New Strategic Concept

-[T]e Alliance must continue to treat collective defense as its core purpose.
This reflects the primacy of Article 5 and our firm conviction that the 
security of each Ally cannot be separated from that of all.
NATO must maintain a flexible mix of military capabilities, including 
conventional, nuclear, and missile defense.
-It should accelerate transformation through the development of military forces 
that are sustainable, deployable and inter-operable;
It should improve its capacity for rapid response....[T]he European Union, with 
its overlapping membership, is a NATO partner of singular importance. 
-NATO can also influence its security environment by continuing its policy of 
gradual enlargement.
Prospective NATO members in the Western Balkans and elsewhere in the 
Euro-Atlantic region have a right to fair consideration based on the same 
guidelines that steered decisions about new members in the past.

Mr. Secretary General, Excellencies – good morning.

I am honored to have the opportunity, in company with Mr. van der Veer, to 
present to you the analysis and recommendations of the Group of Experts.

As you know, the Group was conceived at NATO’s 2009 Summit and tasked with 
providing advice to the Secretary General regarding a new Strategic Concept.

In accordance with our mandate, we have attached importance not only to our 
product but also to our process.

Our deliberations have included four major seminars and dozens of consultations 
and meetings with governments, civilian and military officials, and 
representatives from partner organizations.

Throughout, we both listened to -- and reflected -- an array of views.

The report we present today, however, speaks with one voice.

Like the Alliance itself, our group was able to reconcile differences in order 
to come together on the larger question of NATO’s indispensable role.

Most of our recommendations flow from two basic conclusions. 

First, the Alliance has an ongoing duty to guarantee the safety and security of 
its members.

Second, it can achieve that objective only if it engages dynamically with 
countries and organizations that are outside its boundaries.

To safeguard security at home, the Alliance must continue to treat collective 
defense as its core purpose.

This reflects the primacy of Article 5 and our firm conviction that the 
security of each Ally cannot be separated from that of all.

NATO must maintain a flexible mix of military capabilities, including 
conventional, nuclear, and missile defense.

It must also conduct appropriate contingency planning and military exercises so 
that Allies may feel confident that their borders will indeed be protected.

These measures are fundamental to NATO’s identity and purpose -- but they are 
not sufficient.

Between now and 2020, the Alliance will face a new generation of dangers from 
sources that are geographically and technologically diverse.

These threats include violent extremism, nuclear proliferation, cyber assaults 
and attacks on energy infrastructure and supply lines.

Because such perils can arise rapidly and from any direction, the alliance must 
become more versatile.

To this end:

It should accelerate transformation through the development of military forces 
that are sustainable, deployable and inter-operable;
It should improve its capacity for rapid response;
It should attach a high priority to shielding information from cyber attacks; 
With resources tight, it should allocate defense funds wisely, by increasing 
its commitment to joint procurement and specialized needs.
All this is vital -- for NATO’s political role depends in part on its military 
capabilities, and if these are inadequate, its power to shape events could well 

That would be unacceptable because contributing to a more stable international 
security climate is one of NATO’s essential missions.

To do this successfully, the Alliance must be strong, but also smart and -- in 
our era – nothing could be smarter than having capable partners.

The Group of Experts was united in our view that partners should play an 
increasing role in NATO activities, and that the Alliance should explore every 
opportunity for strengthening its partnership ties both as a pragmatic means 
for solving problems and as an instrument of political dialogue.

Accordingly, NATO should improve its ability to work with other countries and 
organizations, especially in situations where a blend of military, economic and 
political measures are required.

Of course, the European Union, with its overlapping membership, is a NATO 
partner of singular importance. 

The Experts are eager to see the Alliance and the EU operate in a more fully 
complementary manner based on the principles of reciprocity and 

We therefore encourage leaders in both organizations to agree on joint 
participation in meetings, fuller communication between military staffs, and 
more extensive coordination with respect to preventing and managing crises.

A second partnership that attracted discussion within our Group is that between 
NATO and Russia.

For reasons of history and geography, some Allies are more skeptical than 
others about Russia’s commitment to a positive relationship. 

This divergence was reflected among the experts, but there was no disagreement 
about what NATO’s policy should be.

It is clearly in NATO’s best interest to work with Moscow to build a 
cooperative Euro-Atlantic security order and to respond to such shared concerns 
as terrorism, nuclear proliferation, piracy, and drug trafficking. 

Partnership, as we know, is a two way street – but from the Alliance 
perspective, the door to cooperation with Moscow should remain open at all 

NATO can also influence its security environment by continuing its policy of 
gradual enlargement.

Prospective NATO members in the Western Balkans and elsewhere in the 
Euro-Atlantic region have a right to fair consideration based on the same 
guidelines that steered decisions about new members in the past.

NATO today is busier than ever, but this does not mean that the Alliance must 
go everywhere and do everything – there are limits to its resources and to its 

Indeed, the new Strategic Concept should propose criteria for making wise 
decisions about when and where to commit NATO resources beyond its boundaries.

NATO is more than just a military alliance; it is also a political community, 
and therefore it should make more regular and creative use of the mechanisms 
for consultations under Article 4; NATO faces a continuum of threats -- 
informed discussion can enable it to identify and to act on timely options.

In addition, Alliance leaders should learn from its experiences in Afghanistan, 
understanding the imperative of political cohesion, the desirability of unified 
command, the value of effective planning, the importance of public 
communications, and the need to deploy forces at a strategic distance for an 
extended period of time.

There should be no question that NATO’s fundamental purpose is to protect the 
security of its members.

But providing for security is a more complicated proposition than in the past.

Thus, NATO should consider the possibility, when resources are sufficient and 
legal authority is clear, of helping the world respond to catastrophic 
emergencies, whether caused by nature or by human beings.

All of these measures should be accompanied by a commitment to organizational 

The Secretary General must have the authority and the mandate to streamline 
decision-making, prune the bureaucracy, and identify savings that can be used 
for military transformation.

Finally, as friends of NATO, we must all do a better job of building domestic 
support for the Alliance; otherwise, it may not have the resources it needs to 
perform critical tasks well.

After more than sixty years, we cannot let that happen.

To close on a personal note, I would like to thank the Secretary General and 
his staff, the entire band of experts, and also each of you for your wise 
counsel, ongoing interest and support.

It has been an honor for me to serve in this capacity, and a privilege to 
contribute to what I believe is an exceptionally important process.

Throughout this period of extensive consultation, it was very clear to me that 
NATO is the kind of organization that countries want and choose to join – not 
only because of what it does, but because of what it stands for and because of 
what its members believe.

The opportunity to draft a new Strategic Concept can help NATO to demonstrate 
this truth by setting a clear future direction that each Ally can endorse – and 
that all will embrace for years to come.

Thank you very much.

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