Impunity for Dutch massacre in Indonesia was given 60 years ago

Published: 26 May 2009 11:12 | Changed: 27 May 2009 11:14

By our news staff

The Dutch state does not want to pay compensation to the victims of a 1947 
massacre in an Indonesian village, but it also stopped the prosecution of the 
army officer who was held responsible right after the attrocity, the Dutch 
current affairs television programme Netwerk revealed on Monday. 

*       Editorial - No statute of limitations on Dutch past in Indonesia  
*       News - Dutch refuse compensation for massacre 
*       Opinion - Indonesians demand justice after more than 60 years  
*       Feature - Survivors of massacre demand compensation  

The story of the Rawagede village was back in the limelight last year when 
relatives and survivors of the massacre demanded an apology and compensation 
from the Dutch state. 

On the TV show on Monday, Jeffrey Pondaag of the Committee for Dutch Honours of 
Debt showed an exchange of letters from 1948 that reveals the decision not to 
prosecute major Alphons Wijnen for the atrocity was taken straight after the 
tragedy, in spite of a recommendation by the Dutch chief of staff Simon Spoor 
to the procurator general to institute proceedings. 

On 9 December 1947, Dutch troops attacked the village of Rawagede and, 
according to the villagers, killed all the men - 431 in total. A 1969 
investigation by the Dutch government into war crimes in Indonesia says 150 
were killed in Rawagede (since renamed Balongsari). 

Indonesia was granted sovereignty from the Netherlands in 1949 after five years 
of armed struggle against the Dutch army. 

Pondaag and his committee are now seeking compensation and apologies for nine 
widows and one man who survived the bloodbath as a boy. Pondaag said he found 
the exchange of letters in the files given to him by the lawyer representing 
the government in the case. 

The Dutch attorney general has rejected the civil claim put forward last 
September because the case is too old. 

Additional reporting by RNW

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