Ed West <http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/author/edwest/> 

Ed West is a journalist and social commentator who specialises in politics, 
religion and low culture. He is @edwestonline <http://twitter.com/edwestonline> 
 on Twitter.

If Kosovo can legally secede from Serbia, what's to stop Mexifornia leaving the 
United States? 


By Ed West <http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/author/edwest/>  World 
<http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/category/world/>  Last updated: July 25th, 

Comment on this 
  Comment on this article 

If Kosovo can unilaterally secede from a sovereign state quite legally, as the 
World Court has now ruled, 
<http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE66L01720100723>  where does it leave the 
rest of the world’s unstable multi-ethnic states?

What about Iraq, for instance, where the Kurdish region in the north has been 
self-ruling for 20 years? The Kurds are the largest nation without a state, and 
certainly deserve one.

And if the Kurds broke away, then what about the minorities within the minority 
region? The meta-minorities. A small portion of south-west Kurdistan is 
populated with a slight majority of Assyrian Christians, who would rather some 
form of autonomy to protect their ancient culture from certain extinction. Can 
they form their own micro-state?

What about South Africa and its 20 or so ethnic groups? What about the rest of 
that continent, a hodgepodge of artificially created states, which agreed some 
time ago not to question these false European-made boundaries to prevent 
continuing all-out war. It would be a cartographer’s nightmare, and we’d have 
to build a new UN assembly the size of Wembley stadium, while qualifying rounds 
for the World Cup would take decades.

And, as someone I follow on Twitter pointed out, 
<http://twitter.com/dominionpundit>  what if a Hispanic-majority California 
voted to secede from the United States? What justification could the US 
government then use to stop them? Because the black, white and Asian minorities 
won’t like it? Tell that to the Serbs, buddy.

The Mexicans have a greater historic claim to California than the Albanians do 
to Kosovo, which until the last quarter of the 19th century had a Serbian 
majority. Even into the 1980s it had a substantial Serbian minority, and its 
decline was not entirely down to the higher Albanian birth rate. There was some 
intimidation and ethnic cleansing involved, and even in 1999, when Bill Clinton 
and Tony Blair embarked on their war, both sides were at it. That the Serbs 
were doing it worse was for the same reason, as P J O’Rourke once said, that a 
dog licks his balls – because they could.

Having said that, and in light of the way that Europe had shamefully stood 
aside during Bosnia, Blair was morally justified in intervening. It is all the 
more admirable because, as in the case of Iraq (which Blair had been lobbying 
Clinton to invade long before Bush and 9/11), it was largely unpopular.

Many British people were not just isolationist in 1999 but actively hostile to 
the idea of taking the side of the Albanians against the Serbs, and not just 
because of religious solidarity. Most Brits rather admire the Serbs, and even 
their fondness for drunken violence, football hooliganism and obscene swear 
swords about the sexual peccadilloes of other peoples’ mothers only endears 
them more. They’re less keen on the Albanians, it has to be said, a feeling not 
improved by the subsequent appearance of many Kosovan refugees in Britain after 
the war (“Kosovan” is still a generic ethnic slur to any eastern European, and 
always meant as an insult).

But you can’t portion up the world according to national popularity contests, 
otherwise the English would be lucky to hang on to the Isle of Wight, the rest 
of the country being handed over to the Irish Republic. It seems obviously fair 
that the Albanians should get most of Kosovo, based on current and recent 
demographic realties, but not all of it.

The Serbs will rightly feel bitter about all this – but perhaps a few years 
they’ll get their revenge by being the first country to recognise La República 
de Mexifornia.


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