Survival Strategy

By Srdja Trifkovic

To claim that the traditional Right is “anti-Jewish” is to imply that it is 
gripped by an irrational prejudice. Such accusation is untrue and unfair.

It is true, however, that the traditional Right is inevitably antipathetic to 
certain modes of thought and feeling, to a peculiar Weltanschauung and the 
resulting forms of public and intra-communal discourse, which are quite 
properly perceived as specifically Jewish.

Historically, Talmudic Judaism’s insistence on the Jews’ racial uniqueness -- 
emphasized by the ritual and dietary laws of Talmudic Judaism and on its view 
of Christians as idolaters -- has ensured that a Jew steeped in his own 
tradition could not view traditional European or American conservatism with 
sympathy. His tradition was a form of elaborate survival mechanism based on the 
zero-sum view of a world divided into “us” and “them.” The Gentile was "the 
Other" ab initio and for ever.

In addition, since the late 1800’s the Jews have had a disproportionate impact 
on a host of intellectual trends and political movements which have 
fundamentally altered the civilization of Europe and its overseas offspring in 
a manner deeply detrimental to the family, nation, culture, racial solidarity, 
social coherence, tradition, morality and faith. Spontaneously or deliberately, 
those ideas and movements -- Marxism (including neoconservatism as the bastard 
child of Trotskyism), Freudianism, Frankfurt School cultural criticism, Boasian 
anthropology, etc. -- have eroded “the West” to the point where its demographic 
and cultural survival is uncertain. The erosion is continuing, allegedly in the 
name of propositional principles and universal values, and it is pursued with 
escalating ferocity.

Only one group and one nation-state remain exempt from the dictates of 
pluralism and diversity, and from the condemnation (heading towards 
criminalization) of any form of group solidarity based on blood, culture and 

In our own time, however, the process of erosion has reached the stage where it 
is to be expected that increasing numbers of Jews -- those who love their own 
people more than they loath what the traditional Right loves -- will realize 
that, in the long term, their only viable survival strategy is to support the 
principles and objectives of the traditional Right.

To put it bluntly, the survival of the West which is recognizably Christian in 
spirit and European in genes is "objectively" becoming the optimal survival 
strategy for the Jewish community as a whole, Israel included. (I've known 
several Jews who understand, notably my late friend Sir Alfred Sherman.) In the 
postmodern mélange of races, cultures and cults still desired by the likes of 
Abraham Foxman, the narrative of victimhood and its associated claims will 
carry little weight with the brown, black, and yellow multitudes blissfully 
devoid of European self-loathing, guilt and shame. The results may easily 
exceed in ferocity and magnitude the events of 1942-45.

It is essential for the Jews to grasp that the survival of European gentile 
identity and institutions is a sine qua non of their own survival. It is 
desirable for the traditional Right to overcome its instinctive impulses, 
historically justified as they are, and to consider this possibility and its 

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