-----Original Message-----
From: cdsmirel...@eircom.net [mailto:cdsmirel...@eircom.net] 

Dear Freinds

I take the liberty of notifying you about the forthcoming conference to take 
place in The Hague 15th to 20th August 2010 – One of the main discussions will 
be on Kosovo:  "Kosovo as Precedent: on the Potential Impact of the ICJ Opinion 
in Other Struggles for Self-determination". 

There are also several sessions on the agenda on the International Criminal 
Court in The Hague.

May I please ask you to forward this notice to other people you believe could 
to be interested in attending the ILA conference and bringing the truth about 
the war in the Balkans to the conference.
Thank you very much.
June Kelly
REMINDER NOTICE: Conference – “De lure Humanitatis Peace, Justice and 
International Law”, The Hague, 15th to 20th August 2010 
Reminder notification about the forthcoming conference to take place in The 
Hague 15th to 20th August 2010 titled De lure Humanitatis Peace, Justice and 
International Law with several sessions on the International Criminal Court 
plus a major discussion session on Kosovo eg: "Kosovo as Precedent: on the 
Potential Impact of the ICJ Opinion in Other Struggles for Self-determination". 
NEW DETAILS re Registration and costs and agenda www.ila2010.org

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