Serbfest celebrates century of Serbian culture in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS • This weekend's Serbfest celebrates Serbian traditions and Eastern 
Orthodox beliefs. But the priest at Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox 
Church, which was established a century ago, also made a point Saturday to 
express his love of the United States.

"The more you know about America, the more you love it," the Rev. Radomir 
Chkautovich, who fled socialist Yugoslavia in 1963, said with an accent.

Chkautovich, a retired U.S. Navy lieutenant commander and chaplain, regularly 
leads tours of his church during Serbfest to explain its history and Serbian 
traditions. The festival continues from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at the church 
at 1910 Serbian Drive in Soulard.

According to a 2007 American Community Survey from the U.S. Census Bureau, 
about 73,000 of more than 300 million Americans identified themselves as 

Dancers from Serbian Folklore Ensemble Kolo from Hamilton, Ontario, took the 
stage several times Saturday, each time with a different costume and dance.

"That's what my uncle used to wear," Marina Markovic-Eddlemon said while the 
men performed in the rural garb of black vests, white shirts and white pants.

Markovic-Eddlemon, 49, came to St. Louis in 1995 after three years in a refugee 
camp in Montenegro. She had been a Serb living in a Croatian area of Bosnia and 
Herzegovina during the Bosnian War.

"I was the wrong nationality in the wrong place at the wrong time," she said.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees helped place 
Markovic-Eddlemon and her mother, then-husband and two children in St. Louis.

Once here, members of Holy Trinity stocked her apartment, and one member even 
taught her American measurements — all she knew was the metric system — and the 
names of tools so she could better find a job.

Now, she's in management at Watlow Electric Manufacturing Co. here.

Markovic-Eddlemon has definite opinions in the debate over illegal immigration 
in the U.S., based, she said, on what happened in Yugoslavia.

"I don't like two official languages for one country," she said.

Chkautovich also disapproves of illegal immigration.

"Everything according to the law of the United States I agree with," he said.

Along with the church tour and dancing, Serbfest serves traditional Serbian 
cuisine — lamb shanks; cevap, which is skinless sausage made of beef, pork and 
veal barbecued and served with onions and bread; and sarma, which contains meat 
and rice in rolled, cooked cabbage.

Serbfest also offers about 80 different desserts for sale. Known for its 
pastries, Serbian culture embraces cinnamon, chocolate and nuts in their 
strudels, cookies and baklava.

Something Serbian women have learned is not to measure out the ingredients. 
"It's by feel," said Barbara Zogorean.

Zogorean's daughter-in-law, Gina Zogorean, of Italian heritage, has also 
learned that Serbian fare is not something to take lightly.

"We plan our life around when we're going to make Serbian cookies," Gina 
Zogorean said.

Anna Crosslin, president and chief operating officer of the International 
Institute of St. Louis, said cultural festivals such as Serbfest are tributes 
to how valuable different outlooks are to the larger community.

"All of us come from somewhere," she said.

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