It's just a friendly game .Americans love Albanians, otherwise they would
not give Kosovo independence.

Kraniqi  is just an naughty boy. Did not he check in in 1999 a bazooka onto
a regular flight from NY to Tirana

via Paris to give a hand to friendly UCK/KLA. As for crimes in NY,
Cennecticut and Michigan, what is the trouble?

The guy committed crimes? Well, he was traumatized by "ethnic cleansing" in
Kosovo, he suffered under "Serbian oppression",

he was desperate to see his fellowmen suffering, so he had to relax by doing
something else.

USA should send all those poor guys to Kosovo and thus make a real
democratic state.


From: []
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Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:46 AM
To: 'Balkan News';;;;;;
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Cc: Global L
Subject: [globalobserver] Top Albanian Aide Arrested in NYC Crime Ring Bust



Top Albanian Aide Arrested in NYC Crime Ring Bust

Mara Gay <> Contributor

AOL News 

(Aug. 24) -- A senior aide to the deputy prime minister of Albania has been
arrested on charges of murder and racketeering, officials said today.

Prosecutors in New York say the aide, 27-year-old Almir Rrapo of Albania, is
a senior member of the Krasniqi crew, an international crime organization
engaged in murder, kidnapping, narcotics trafficking and other illegal
activities in Albania and the U.S. The group has operated in New York,
Connecticut and Michigan.

In the 37-page indictment, officials said Rrapo, also known as "Miri,"
participated in the 2005 murder of a man in Queens. He is also accused of
helping to kidnap a rival drug leader at gunpoint and pistol-whipping him. 

Rrapo was arrested by Albanian authorities July 2 at the request of the
United States. Prosecutors said the Krasniqi crew "sought to enrich its
members through various criminal schemes, including the trafficking of more
than 1,500 pounds of marijuana, and used firearms and violence to protect
its power and territory." 

"This case reminds us that, despite the increasingly global nature of
organized crime, its dangers are right here on our city streets," Manhattan
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement today.

Officials also announced the arrest of Florian Veshi, 26, of Brooklyn,
another alleged member of the Krasniqi crew.

A joint FBI and the New York Police Department task force arrested 13
members of the group in June, the New York Daily News reports
ing_busted.html> . 

Rrapo was charged with one count of murder in aid of a racketeering
enterprise, two counts of racketeering, one count of kidnapping and other
crimes. If convicted, he could face life in prison. 

Almir Rrapo, Top Albanian Aide, Arrested in NYC Crime Ring Bust

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