In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

When things get bad on the Israeli side, you hear it from all the mojor news outlets 
in the world. When things get bad in the Occupied Plestinian Terretories, on the other 
side, it hardly is a news item. Even if it is, the reality is either completely 
ignored or embedded deep in the middle of the reports. Palestinians die every day but 
selective reporting by major media outlets show that the life of an Israeli is somehow 
more valuable than a Palestinian. 

If you are one of those who are interested in keeping track of what is going on the 
Terretories, I suggest Electronic Intifada at The 
information on this site is clean from any bias and bigatory. You read first-hand 
experience of the people at ground zero. 

As a starter, I suggest this article that was published recently. Read how they feel 
and remember, it could be you:

FARIDI NETWORK - sharing the knowledge

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