In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

For the US subscribers....

History Channel is airing a documentary on Islam on Wednesday September 4 at 9:00pm. 
If you live in the US, watch the program and write your comments to You like it or not, please do 
share your comments with the Channel. Its very important that we speak up.


Wednesday, September 4, 9-11 PM

It's the world's second largest religion, yet its beliefs and teachings are often 
misunderstood by the West. Islam today is a religion mired in controversy--its very 
name comes from the root word for peace, yet it has been used to justify some of the 
most atrocious acts of violence in recent times. From its roots in the Hebrew Bible to 
its revelation during the life of the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century A.D., we 
trace the origins and evolution of the youngest of the world's great religions.

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