I messed up tihing in my first message by sending the whole debug output
here is message with shorter output:

I have been using DailyUpdate from long time and have decided to upgrade to
NewsClipper, but am facing some problems in it. Following is debug output i
am getting. I would like to point out that handlerlocations in
NewsClipper.cfg points to /home/indiamostwanted/.NewsClipper and contains
all the headers.

News Clipper could not load personal configuration file
because of the following error:
"handlerlocations" in NewsClipper.cfg must be non-empty

Another problem is if i supply the actual path of cfg file with -c option i
get following error:

   Undefined subroutine &main::dequote called at ./NewsClipper.pl line 208.
Undefined subroutine &main::DEBUG called at ./NewsClipper.pl line 704.
END failed--cleanup aborted.

Ashish Baweja

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