
I have installed NewsClipper, then played a bit with it. I got the
sample.txt almost working completely. After trying out some handlers,
and downloading the complete set, I get the errors shown below. What did
I do wrong? Re-installing NewsClipper did not help.

Thanks in advance


<!-- News Clipper error message:
The following errors occurred while attempting to execute the News
commands: The data expected by "map" is supposed to be of type
but it's actually of type "array of 'YahooTopStories hash' of (scalar)".
normally means that your sequence of News Clipper commands is broken.
changing "map" to a more suitable handler, or use a filter to convert
the data
from "array of 'YahooTopStories hash' of (scalar)" to "Array,Hash".
function for handler map failed.

The following errors occurred while executing the handler "limit" with
sequence of commands: Constant subroutine DEBUG redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/constant.pm line 175.

The following errors occurred while executing the handler "array" with
sequence of commands: Constant subroutine DEBUG redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/constant.pm line 175.

The following errors occurred while executing the handler "map" with
sequence of commands: Constant subroutine DEBUG redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/constant.pm line 175. Prototype mismatch: sub
NewsClipper::Handler::Filter::map::dprint (@) vs none at
/home/berth/.NewsClipper/NewsClipper/Handler/Filter/map.pm line 31.

The sequence of commands was:
  <input name=yahootopstories source=ap>
  <filter name=map filter=hash2string 
           format='<a href="%{url}">%{headline}</a>'>>
  <filter name=limit number=10>
  <output name=array numcols=1>

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