On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Matthias Berth wrote:

> I have installed NewsClipper, then played a bit with it. I got the
> sample.txt almost working completely. After trying out some handlers,
> and downloading the complete set, I get the errors shown below. What did
> I do wrong? Re-installing NewsClipper did not help.

A couple things come to mind... (I'm away from the office, so I can't easily
delve into the problem.)

1) You're using incompatible handlers. Did you download and install the
tarball containing all the handlers? That tarball is for the previous version
of News Clipper. You can try deleting the handlers you downloaded, which are
stored in your ~/.NewsClipper/NewsClipper/Handler directory.

2) Your News Clipper commands are wrong. Let's look at that.

> The sequence of commands was:
>   <input name=yahootopstories source=ap>
>   <filter name=map filter=hash2string 
>            format='<a href="%{url}">%{headline}</a>'>>

There seems to be an extra ">" at the end of this filter command.

>   <filter name=limit number=10>
>   <output name=array numcols=1>
> -->

I'm guessing the problem is #1 above...


David Coppit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        President, Spinnaker Software
http://www.newsclipper.com/ -- Snip and ship dynamic content to your website

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