There's been enough innovation in the handler area lately that I thought I
would give the authors public kudos, and publicize their work:

- Shalom Craimer wrote the geeknews handler, which is capable of outputting
  data that is compatible with the slashdot filter and output handlers. In
  Shalom's words:
    It's pretty neat seeing the data from GeekNews look like Slashdot
    when you use the slashdot output handler. ;-)
- Ryan Lathouwers has been busily writing handlers for people by request:
  salon and stratfor have just been added.
- Finally, Jan Peter Hecking has written the rdf handler. RDF is the format
  used by MyNetscape. With the addition of this handler, we have instant
  access to over 280 channels. WOW! Thanks Jan!

It's nice to see that News Clipper can slurp up competing technologies. :)
Keep up the good work, guys!


David Coppit - Graduate Student        [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
The University of Virginia   
    "Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain." There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything."

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