Sorry if I am posting too much but I am slowly getting the hang of it and keep running into new and interesting things. It's tough if you don't have a clue about Perl and learns as you go along.
What I am trying to do is to write a custom handler that returns an array that I can (like GetLinks) format into a nice table. So I do a GetHtml and then something along the lines:
my @story = split('somthing',$data);
return @story;
That compiles fne but the error log thenThe following errors occurred while attempting to execute the News Clipper
Commands: News Clipper executed the input handler "norml", but the handler
Returned a data element that was not a reference ("1"), which is not allowed.
Please notify the handler author of the problem. Get function for handler norml
How do I do this? How do I return an array?
  Rolf Ernst

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