I run RedHat 7.1. I downloaded and made the binaries. Let me preface the
following with the fact that I wish to purchase this product if it even
remotely does what it claims to do.

I worked for about  hours straight in an attempt to produce the sample
result - unsuccessfully.

I updated the configuration file which looks like this:

# use perl                                  -*- mode: Perl; -*-

# This is the configuration file for News Clipper. Feel free to modify any
# the values here. Comments begin with "#"

# The timezone. You only have to set this for Windows or DOS platforms
$ENV{TZ} = '' if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'dos');

%config = (

# This value lets News Clipper know if the configuration file is
'forNewsClipperVersion' => 1.21,

# Enter your email here. It's used during the registration process.
'email' => 'YOUR_EMAIL_HERE',

# Enter your registration code here.
'regKey' => 'YOUR_REG_KEY_HERE',

# inputFiles is a list of quoted, comma-separated input files.
# outputFiles is a list of quoted, comma-separated output files.
# Each input file is transformed by News Clipper into the corresponding
# file. (i.e. There should be one input file for each output file.)
'inputFiles' => [
'outputFiles' => [

# ftpFiles allows you to ftp your output files to your web server. Make sure
# there is one set of data for each output file.  The first set applies to
# first output file, the second set to the second output file, etc. If you
# don't want to FTP a file, just use {} for the information.
'ftpFiles' => [
#  {'server'   => 'SERVER',
#   'username' => 'USER NAME',
#   'password' => 'PASSWORD',
#   'dir'      => 'DEST DIR'},

# You can specify one or more directories where News Clipper can find
# handlers.  Note that installed handlers automatically go into the first
# directory.  Specify the directories separated using commas, and quote
'handlerlocations' => ["$home/NewsClipper/Handler"],

# This value is set for single user installation, so that News Clipper will
# able to find it's supporting modules. Not needed for compiled versions.
'modulepath' => '.',

# News Clipper uses a cache to store acquired HTML, which the handlers use
# during times between update times. maxcachesize is in megabytes, and
# be at least 5.
# !!! News Clipper will not work without this cache, since handlers only
# update the acquired data at certain times. !!!
'cachelocation' => "$home/.NewsClipper/cache",
'maxcachesize' => 15,

# $scripttimeout is the length of time, in seconds, to allow News Clipper to
# run.
'scriptTimeout' => 60*10,

# $socketTimeout is the length of time, in seconds, to allow any particular
# service to respond.
'socketTimeout' => 30,

# socketTries is the number of times to try to get information from a remote
# server for each handler, before giving up.
'socketTries' => 2,

# Set $proxy if you use a proxy. For example, "http://proxy.host.com:8080/";
'proxy' => "",

# If you need to supply a username/password to your proxy server, you can
# specify it here.
# If you supply a password of '', you will be prompted for a password *if*
# News Clipper is run interactively. If not, the password will default to
# which, is almost certainly not what you want.  So, this feature is not
# useful if you're using this program from "cron".
# If you supply a real password here, this password will be used.  If you
# this option, please make sure that you take appropiate measures to make
# that this file can't be read by others.
'proxy_username' => '',
'proxy_password' => '',

# Automatically download any bugfix handlers. (Checks every few hours.)
'auto_download_bugfix_updates' => 'yes',


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The next set of values are used by the cacheimages filter. They are here
# allow system administrators to set a global image cache for all users.
%NewsClipper::Handler::Filter::cacheimages::handlerconfig = (

# The location in the file system where the images should be cached.
'imgcachedir' => "$home/public_html/NewsClipper/imagecache",

# The URL that corresponds to the imgcachedir. This should be changed from
# file://... to http://...
'imgcacheurl' => "file://$home/public_html/NewsClipper/imagecache",
#'imgcacheurl' => "http://servername/NewsClipper/imagecache";,

# The number of days to allow an image to stay in the cache, in days.
'maximgcacheage' => 7,


# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

*********************************************** End configuration file
I ran Newsclipper with debug and got the following:

<!--DEBUG: Operating
<!--DEBUG:   1.27,
<!--DEBUG: Command line
<!--DEBUG: Options
<!--DEBUG:   d:
<!--DEBUG: Home
<!--DEBUG: Current
<!--DEBUG: System-wide configuration file found
sClipper/etc/NewsClipper.cfg                   -->
<!--DEBUG: Personal configuration file found
<!--DEBUG:   Not
<!--DEBUG: @INC before loading
NewsClipper/lib/5.00503/i686-linux                -->
/lib/5.00503                           -->
/rernst/NewsClipper/lib/site_perl/5.005/i686-linux        -->
sClipper/lib/site_perl/5.005                   -->
<!--DEBUG: @INC after loading
dler                               -->
NewsClipper/lib/5.00503/i686-linux                -->
/lib/5.00503                           -->
/rernst/NewsClipper/lib/site_perl/5.005/i686-linux        -->
sClipper/lib/site_perl/5.005                   -->
<!--DEBUG: Configuration
<!--DEBUG:     <NOT
<!--DEBUG:     <NOT
/Handler                             -->
<!--DEBUG:     <NOT
<!--DEBUG:     Not
/NewsClipper/etc/NewsClipper.cfg                 -->
/cache                              -->
<!--DEBUG: Now processing trial.txt =>
<title>News Clipper -- Sample Page</title>
<meta name=generator content="News Clipper 1.27 Trial">


<h1>News Clipper -- Sample Page</h1>


This page has been made boring to make it more clear what it being done by
News Clipper. The trial version can only utilize the yahootopstories
shown below. When you register News Clipper, you will be able to use more
handlers, will receive a user's manual, and will not see the message box
around the output below.


<h3>Associated Press News</h3>

  &lt;input name=yahootopstories source=ap&gt;
  &lt;filter name=map filter=hash2string
           format='&lt;a href="%{url}"&gt;%{headline}&lt;/a&gt;'&gt;
  &lt;filter name=limit number=10&gt;
  &lt;output name=array numcols=1&gt;
<!--DEBUG: Found newsclipper
<!--DEBUG:   <input name=yahootopstories
<!--DEBUG:   <filter name=map
<!--DEBUG:            format='<a
}">%{headline}</a>'>            -->
<!--DEBUG:   <filter name=limit
<!--DEBUG:   <output name=array
<!--DEBUG: -->                                                              
<table border=1>
<!--DEBUG: Executing 4
<!--DEBUG: Executing handler
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "yahootopstories" is okay to
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
r::Handler::Acquisition::yahootopstories             -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Filter::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Output::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Couldn't find
<!--DEBUG: Downloading handler type
<!--DEBUG: Downloading
ories&print=Type&ncversion=1.27 -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "yahootopstories" is of a compatible
version. -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
r::Handler::Acquisition::yahootopstories             -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Filter::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Output::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Couldn't find
<!--DEBUG: Handler "yahootopstories" not found locally. Can't get
.     -->
<!--DEBUG: Checking if handler "yahootopstories" needs to be
d.       -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
r::Handler::Acquisition::yahootopstories             -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Filter::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Output::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Couldn't find
<!--DEBUG: Handler isn't installed, so we need to download
<!--DEBUG: Checking for a new version for handler
pstories"         -->
<!--DEBUG: Trying to load handler
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
r::Handler::Acquisition::yahootopstories             -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Filter::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Looking for handler
ndler::Output::yahootopstories                  -->
<!--DEBUG: Couldn't find
<!--DEBUG: Handler "yahootopstories" not found locally. Can't get
.     -->
<!--DEBUG: Downloading
ersion=1.27&debug=0 -->
<!--DEBUG: No new version is
<!--DEBUG: Here are all the modules used during this run, and their
locations: -->
<!--DEBUG:   AutoLoader.pm
r.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   Carp.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Config.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Cwd.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Data/Dumper.pm
per.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   Digest/MD5.pm
5.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   DirHandle.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   DynaLoader.pm
r.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   Exporter.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Fcntl.pm
<!--DEBUG:   File/Basename.pm
asename.pm                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   File/Cache.pm
e.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   File/Find.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   File/Path.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   File/Spec.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   File/Spec/Functions.pm
File/Spec/Functions.pm                      -->
<!--DEBUG:   File/Spec/Unix.pm
Spec/Unix.pm                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   FileHandle.pm
e.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   Getopt/Long.pm
ong.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTML/Entities.pm
ntities.pm                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTML/HeadParser.pm
/HeadParser.pm                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTML/Parser.pm
ser.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTTP/Date.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTTP/Headers.pm
aders.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTTP/Message.pm
ssage.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTTP/Request.pm
quest.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTTP/Response.pm
esponse.pm                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   HTTP/Status.pm
tus.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   IO.pm
<!--DEBUG:   IO/File.pm
<!--DEBUG:   IO/Handle.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   IO/Seekable.pm
ble.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   IO/Select.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   IO/Socket.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   IO/Socket/INET.pm
cket/INET.pm                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   IO/Socket/UNIX.pm
cket/UNIX.pm                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   LWP.pm
<!--DEBUG:   LWP/Debug.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   LWP/MemberMixin.pm
MemberMixin.pm                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   LWP/Protocol.pm
tocol.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   LWP/Protocol/http.pm
P/Protocol/http.pm                        -->
<!--DEBUG:   LWP/UserAgent.pm
erAgent.pm                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   LockFile/Lock.pm
le/Lock.pm                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   LockFile/Lock/Simple.pm
/LockFile/Lock/Simple.pm                     -->
<!--DEBUG:   LockFile/Manager.pm
kFile/Manager.pm                         -->
<!--DEBUG:   LockFile/Simple.pm
File/Simple.pm                          -->
<!--DEBUG:   Net/Cmd.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Net/Config.pm
g.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   Net/FTP.pm
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/Cache.pm
wsClipper/Cache.pm                        -->
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/Globals.pm
NewsClipper/Globals.pm                      -->
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/HandlerFactory.pm
TORAGE/NewsClipper/HandlerFactory.pm               -->
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/Interpreter.pm
AGE/NewsClipper/Interpreter.pm                  -->
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/Parser.pm
ewsClipper/Parser.pm                       -->
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/TagParser.pm
E/NewsClipper/TagParser.pm                    -->
<!--DEBUG:   NewsClipper/Types.pm
wsClipper/Types.pm                        -->
<!--DEBUG:   PERL2EXE_STORAGE/auto/Getopt/Long/autosplit.ix
PERL2EXE_STORAGE/PERL2EXE_STORAGE/auto/Getopt/Long/autosplit.ix -->
<!--DEBUG:   PERL2EXE_STORAGE/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix
/auto/POSIX/autosplit.ix                     -->
<!--DEBUG:   POSIX.pm
<!--DEBUG:   SelectSaver.pm
ver.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   Socket.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Symbol.pm
<!--DEBUG:   Sys/Hostname.pm
tname.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   Text/Tabs.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   Text/Wrap.pm
pm                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   Time/CTime.pm
e.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   Time/JulianDay.pm
JulianDay.pm                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   Time/Local.pm
l.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   Time/ParseDate.pm
ParseDate.pm                           -->
<!--DEBUG:   Time/Timezone.pm
imezone.pm                            -->
<!--DEBUG:   URI.pm
<!--DEBUG:   URI/Escape.pm
e.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   URI/URL.pm
<!--DEBUG:   URI/WithBase.pm
hBase.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   URI/_generic.pm
neric.pm                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   URI/_query.pm
y.pm                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   URI/_server.pm
ver.pm                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   URI/http.pm
<!--DEBUG:   _h2ph_pre.ph
ph                                -->
<!--DEBUG:   asm/unistd.ph
d.ph                               -->
<!--DEBUG:   auto/DynaLoader/dl_findfile.al
STORAGE/auto/DynaLoader/dl_findfile.al              -->
<!--DEBUG:   auto/Getopt/Long/Configure.al
TORAGE/auto/Getopt/Long/Configure.al               -->
<!--DEBUG:   auto/Getopt/Long/FindOption.al
STORAGE/auto/Getopt/Long/FindOption.al              -->
<!--DEBUG:   auto/Getopt/Long/GetOptions.al
STORAGE/auto/Getopt/Long/GetOptions.al              -->
<!--DEBUG:   bits/syscall.ph
scall.ph                             -->
<!--DEBUG:   constant.pm
<!--DEBUG:   integer.pm
<!--DEBUG:   overload.pm
<!--DEBUG:   re.pm
<!--DEBUG:   strict.pm
<!--DEBUG:   sys/syscall.ph
all.ph                              -->
<!--DEBUG:   syscall.ph
<!--DEBUG:   vars.pm
But got the following error message:

News Clipper encountered a "no update" when there is no local version of
handler yahootopstories at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/NewsClipper/HandlerFactory.pm
line 153.

I stuck the handler yahootopstories into about any place I could think of.
None of them worked.

Hey, I want to BUY this product but I can't even get the premade trial to
work. Please help!


  Rolf Ernst

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