Is there such a thing as "ex-executive privilege"?!

Only if George W. Bush is still in power, our Maximum Leader, once 
and future king.


Bush lawyer directs Rove not to talk to Congress-once again
By Michael Isikoff | Newsweek Web Exclusive

Just four days before he left office, President Bush instructed 
former White House aide Karl Rove to refuse to cooperate with future 
congressional inquiries into alleged misconduct during his 

On Jan. 16, 2009, then White House Counsel Fred Fieldingsent a letter 
(.pdf) to Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin. The message: should his 
client receive any future subpoenas, Rove "should not appear before 
Congress" or turn over any documents relating to his time in the 
White House. The letter told Rove that President Bush was continuing 
to assert executive privilege over any testimony by Rove-even after 
he leaves office.

A nearly identical letter (.pdf) was also sent by Fielding the day 
before to a lawyer for former White House counsel Harriet Miers, 
instructing her not to appear for a scheduled deposition with the 
House Judiciary Committee. That letter reasserted the White House 
position that Miers has "absolute immunity" from testifying before 
Congress about anything she did while she worked at the White House-a 
far-reaching claim that is being vigorously disputed by lawyers for 
the House of Representatives in court.

The letters set the stage for what is likely to be a highly 
contentious legal and political battle over an unresolved issue: 
whether a former president can assert "executive privilege"-and 
therefore prevent his aides from testifying before Congress-even 
after his term has expired.

"To my knowledge, these [letters] are unprecedented," said Peter 
Shane, an Ohio State University law professor who specializes in 
executive-privilege issues. "I'm aware of no sitting president that 
has tried to give an insurance policy to a former employee in regard 
to post-administration testimony." Shane likened the letter to Rove 
as an attempt to give his former aide a 'get-out-of-contempt-free 

The issue arose this week after House Judiciary Committee Chairman 
John Conyers announced that he had subpoenaed Rove to be deposed 
under oath next Monday to answer questions about his alleged role in 
the firing of U.S. attorneys and the prosecution of the former 
Democratic governor of Alabama, Don Siegelman. Conyers, whose panel 
extensively investigated both matters last year, signaled that he has 
no intention of dropping them now just because Bush has left office. 
"After two years of stonewalling, it's time for him [Rove] to talk," 
Conyers said in a press release.


Letter to Rove Says He Has 'Absolute Immunity'
and Can Ignore Subpoena     

By Jason Leopold
The Public Record

Thursday, 29 January 2009 18:37

Former White House senior adviser Karl Rove said he will ignore a 
Congressional subpoena that calls for him to appear before the House 
Judiciary Committee Monday to give  a deposition on the 
politicization of the Justice Department.

In an interview Thursday with right-wing talk show host Bill 
O'Reilly, Rove, who is also a Fox News contributor, said one of 
former President Bush's last acts before he left office was to have 
White House Counsel Fred Fielding write a letter stating that Rove 
was protected by "absolute immunity" and that he can legally ignore a 
congressional subpoena.

"I've been directed on Jan. 16, by the outgoing president's legal 
counsel not to respond to a subpoena...exerting privilege on behalf 
of the former president," Rove said.

The letter Fielding wrote was addressed to Robert Luskin, Rove's 
longtime Washington, D.C. Attorney. It appears that Luskin requested 
the letter on behalf of Rove who was likely aware that Congress would 
continue to pursue his testimony after Bush left office.

"We have previously been advised by the Department of Justice that 
Mr. Rove has absolute immunity from compelled Congressional testimony 
as to matters occurring while he was senior adviser to the 
president," the letter says.

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