John Wellington Ennis
Filmmaker, Activist, Some Dude
Ken Blackwell Redefines Racism

Right now, The Republican National Committee is convening in 
Washington in desperate search for new leadership. The one thing they 
can agree on, according to The Washington Post, is that they are 
looking for a way to get away from Ex-Decider George W. Bush.

As I have previously pronounced in endorsing his bid for RNC Chair, 
Ken Blackwell is an embarrassingly bad politician. But when it comes 
to crippling elections with tenacious scheming through the courts, 
the media, and arcane state election law, Blackwell can be something 
of a mastermind. Ken Blackwell's administration of elections in Ohio 
could be compared to Kafka, but even Franz Kafka helped bring about 
worker's compensation.

Right now, the Supreme Court is hearing a case that challenges 
renewing aspects of the Voting Rights Act. Redistricting in all 50 
states is set to occur over the next several years, and certain areas 
in the South with entrenched histories of disenfranchising black 
voters need authority from the Justice Department, called 

Ken Blackwell argues that since some African Americans have held 
office and judicial positions, America is a very different place than 
in 1965, when the Voting Rights Act was written. Since it is a 
different place than when the law was first written, it surely could 
no longer apply: "Does America still need draconian laws that were 
passed to combat endemic racism and overt hostility?" Actually -- 
yeah, we need more laws, and enforcement of existing laws. Getting 
Karl Rove's partisan prosecutor appointments out of the Justice 
Department would be a great place to start.

Maybe laws that require federal oversight in re-districting 
historically corrupt areas seem draconian to Blackwell -- he prefers 
laws that do the job of knocking voters off the rolls for him. Like 
House Bill 3 in Ohio, championed by Blackwell in 2005, part of which 
took the voter-purging tactic known as "caging" and made it a state 
practice. Thus, voters who have not voted in two previous federal 
elections have their voter registration revoked.

Or maybe Blackwell prefers laws that farm out our elections to 
Republican corporations, like when he gave a no-bid contract to 
Diebold? As secretary of state of Ohio, Blackwell famously once 
required that voter registration cards could only be processed if 
they were printed on 80 lb. paper, as an obscure decades-old 
directive had once requested. Some might call that act "draconian"; I 
call it "dickhead-ian." Clinically speaking, Ken Blackwell is 
obsessive-compulsive about preventing people from voting.

Blackwell doesn't oppose this law because it's old. He knows how 
populations vote, and how to hedge your bets by shaving off a 
reliable Democratic demographic. Blackwell sees the opportunity to 
take the voter suppression tactics he honed at the precinct level to 
the national level through dismantling the Voting Rights Act. And he 
is boasting his vision for this to the caretakers of the RNC, showing 
them that if the GOP can't win new voters, he can at least attack 
other voters.

Election subversion and voter suppression has only grown in recent 
years, becoming a veritable cottage industry. My film FREE FOR ALL! 
crams in as much of this available evidence as possible in 90 
minutes. One of my documentary's subjects, author and professor Mark 
Crispin Miller, writes astutely about this case before SCOTUS, 
Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District Number One v. Mukasey, 
No. 08-322:

        While the lawsuit claims that things have universally 
improved since 1965, the evidence makes clear
        that, since 2000, things have gotten just as bad as they once 
were, or even worse-albeit voters black
        and brown and red (and student voters of all colors) are now 
deprived of their essential civil right not
        through crude violence, as in Selma once upon a time, but 
through methods infinitely subtler, and far
        more efficient.

Voter purges, ID laws, under-equipped polls in black neighborhoods, 
bogus voter fraud charges, and outright lying to the public are just 
some of these methods employed by Ken Blackwell and other Republicans 
across the country.

It seems so petty to consider that other candidates for RNC Chair 
were chided for racial insensitivity for putting a Rush Limbaugh song 
on a holiday mix CD, or belonging to a "Whites Only" country club. 
Blackwell proudly wants to tear down historical statutes protecting 
black voters. While I thought there might not be anything more 
offensive than "Barack the Magic Negro," this would be it.

Ken Blackwell insisted in an interview at the Republican National 
Convention that he totally has not had homosexual feelings, but if he 
had, he would have suppressed them because it's obviously wrong. I 
truly believe Ken Blackwell is not gay, because his campaign against 
gay marriage in Ohio in 2004 smacked much more of opportunism to win 
favor with evangelicals, rather than full-on gay bashing. The 
right-wingers who really demonize gays and lesbians are the closet 
cases. Besides, Ken Blackwell -- as an individual, and as a candidate 
-- is not nearly well put-together enough to have a hope of being 
gay, even metrosexual.

But I think Blackwell's instinct to resist what you are in order to 
earn the approval of conservatives kind of says it all. That Ken 
Blackwell, an African American, has worked so relentlessly to 
disenfranchise so many other African American voters says more on its 
own than I could ever try to. One could speculate endlessly about the 
sociological (or sociopathic) layers of character in such a man. 
Believe me, I have -- I already made a feature documentary about him, 
and I still have enough for a sequel.

There are many who have said that black people can never be racist, 
in the context of "racist" meaning institutionalized bias. Through 
Ken Blackwell, institutionalized racism at the voting booth might not 
only survive, it could spread. Now that there's a black president, it 
doesn't feel like racism is over, or that institutionalized divisions 
of class and race have gone "poof," but I'll check with some black 
people and get back to you. As Bill Maher said, having a black 
president does not itself signify equality -- having an unqualified 
black president will.
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