See also Raw Story's articles below.


McClatchy Washington Bureau

Posted on Tue, Feb. 17, 2009
Obama seeks delay in deciding on Rove subpoena
Marisa Taylor and Margaret Talev | McClatchy Newspapers
last updated: February 16, 2009 06:50:48 PM

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration is asking for two more weeks to 
weigh in on whether former Bush White House officials must testify 
before Congress about the firings of nine U.S. attorneys.

The request comes after an attorney for former Bush political adviser 
Karl Rove asked the White House to referee his clash with the House 
of Representatives over Bush's claim of executive privilege in the 

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., has issued 
a subpoena requiring Rove to appear next Monday to testify about the 
firings and other allegations that the Bush White House let politics 
interfere with the operations of the Justice Department.

Michael Hertz, the acting assistant attorney general, said in a court 
brief released Monday that negotiations were ongoing.

"The inauguration of a new president has altered the dynamics of this 
case and created new opportunities for compromise rather than 
litigation," Hertz wrote in the brief dated Friday. "At the same 
time, there is now an additional interested party - the former 
president - whose views should be considered."

Members of the committee have been seeking the testimony of Rove and 
former White House Counsel Harriet Miers since the spring of 2007.

Last July, a federal judge in Washington agreed with the House that 
Miers didn't have the right to ignore a subpoena from Congress. 
District Judge John D. Bates' 93-page ruling was considered a 
significant setback for the administration, which had asserted a 
broad executive-privilege claim that would have protected Miers from 

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit later 
delayed the effect of the ruling until after the November elections.

Since then, Rove's attorney has indicated that his client would be 
willing to testify about his role in the prosecution and conviction 
of former Democratic Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman on bribery charges. 
Democrats want Rove to testify about the matter because they suspect 
that he instigated the prosecution.

However, Democrats also insist that Rove should be made to testify 
about the firings of the nine U.S. attorneys.

Meanwhile, a special prosecutor is investigating what role White 
House officials had in the firings and whether their involvement 
constituted a crime.

Rove was asked to fire U.S. attorney
ACLU tests Obama with request for secret Bush-era memos
Undoing Bush: Obama orders easier access to public records
Obama restores some of the 'Freedom' to FOIA
Is Obama following Bush's lead on official secrecy?
McClatchy Newspapers 2009

Obama, not Bush, now seeking delay of Rove deposition
John Byrne -- Tuesday February 17, 2009
Former Bush Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove has a new 
president urging Congress not to force him to testify next week.
President Barack Obama.

Increasingly, Obama's Justice Department standing by 'George Bush secrecy'
Stephen C. Webster -- Monday February 16, 2009
In a Monday report, the Associated Press notes that President Obama's 
Department of Justice has already sided with "half a dozen" Bush 
administration claims of secrecy over spying and interrogations.

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