From Andi Novick:

Dear friends,

I assume many of you have received an email including misleading 
information from New Yorkers for Verified Voting & the League of 
Women Voters regarding New York's Lever Voting System, Democracy and 
the Law. Unfortunately the two position papers and the press release 
recently distributed, misrepresents the law. Their Statement on NY's 
Lever Machines sets up what appears to be higher standards for a 
voting system and then rejects the lever machines as not meeting 
those standards. In fact the lever machines are far superior to the 
minimum standards set by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), now being 
touted by NYVV/LWV.

The Election Transparency Coalition has issued this 2 page paper  
explaining the superiority of the transparent lever technology over 
software technology, which is so inadequate and theft-inviting in its 
concealed operation that the best we can do is manually count paper 
to try to catch the undetectable fraud enabled by software. But in NY 
we will only first attempt to verify the software's results by hand 
counting some ballots after the election is over, thus exposing the 
ballots to increased opportunities for unseen tampering which would 
then render verification impossible! That unfortunately is the 
verification urged in NYVV/LWV's first position paper.

There was a second position paper issued by NYVV/LWV regarding NY's 
lever machines and HAVA, which purports to state facts that are not 
facts, but rather represent a specious legal interpretation of HAVA 
that was put forth by the EAC, a federal agency administering HAVA 
under the Bush administration. That would be the same EAC that 
infamously rewrote the bipartisan findings of a report that had 
not found the evidence of voter fraud (not to be confused with 
election fraud) which the EAC was hoping for in order to justify 
restrictive voter ID laws, so the EAC just rewrote the report and 
ignored the findings! What NYVV has misrepresented as "facts" 
are merely the interpretation held by the EAC, and now apparently 
NYVV and the LWV, which has never been ruled on by a court. It is 
absolutely untrue to say that HAVA requires replacement of our lever 
machines. HAVA does not say that. As the paper linked to above 
explains, our lever voting system augmented with accessible ballot 
marking devices, is now HAVA-compliant and more importantly, 
democracy-compliant in a way concealed software-based scanners and 
DREs can never be.

Please go 
to <>  to 
take action to save the last transparent, theft-deterring state-wide 
voting system in the country.  If we can pressure NYS's government to 
resist the federal government's plan to spend billions of taxpayers 
dollars for inaccurate, inaccessible, unauditable, unreliable voting 
equipment that counts our votes in secret, we can be a beacon to the 

Help us get more county resolutions in support of retaining our 
levers. Write to every state and federal official linked at our site, 
especially your county legislators. There's a letter at the blog site 
for you to send. Dutchess County and we expect shortly more of the 
Hudson Valley will pass resolutions. Get your county to join the 

Sign & circulate the Petition to Save Our Levers 

Join our newly  started group on Facebook to help us circulate more 
widely across the State:  

Please volunteer some time and donate to our efforts. As it says in 
our paper linked above- "Democracy (demos = people, kratos = rule) 
requires that all citizens have equal access to power." The Election 
Transparency Coalition needs some more citizen power to save our 

Thank you,

Andi Novick
Re-Media Election Transparency Coalition, 

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