Posted at 1:20 PM ET, 03/11/2009

A Departure That Leaves a Debate in Its Wake

Chas Freeman leads a panel discussion last year. 
(<>Middle East Policy Council 


Chas Freeman, whose selection last month as chairman of the National 
Intelligence Council sparked controversy -- mostly from supporters of 
Israel who opposed his taking a more balanced view of the region -- 
stepped down under fire yesterday. Freeman was set to oversee the 
production of national intelligence estimates, the reports that 
represent the consensus view of the intelligence community.

Freeman three years ago, and have followed his work since then. He is 
a profoundly independent thinker, a provocateur and a gadfly. Until 
recently, he ran a small Washington think tank and dedicated himself 
to seeking answers to questions that otherwise might never even have 
gotten asked, because they were too embarrassing, awkward, or 

Weighing in on his appointment on the Nieman Watchdog blog a few 
weeks ago, I called him a 
<>one-man destroyer of 

I felt more secure knowing that with his involvement in the process, 
there would never be another national intelligence estimate -- say, 
about Iran -- like the one concocted in the run-up to war in Iraq.

And now he's gone, driven out by withering criticism that was not 
solely based on his views on Israel, but substantially so.

Mazzetti writes in the New York Times: "Mr. Freeman had come under 
sharp criticism for his past statements about Israel as well as for 
his association with the Saudi and Chinese governments....

"A former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Freeman had in recent years 
questioned Washington's steadfast support for Israel. He had also 
been deputy chief of mission at the American Embassy in Beijing. His 
critics unearthed past statements that they contended had seemed to 
support the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen 
Square in 1989."

Freeman argued in a 
speech that making peace between Israelis and Arabs was a critical 
step to solving the terrorism problem. He decried "the brutal 
oppression of the Palestinians by an Israeli occupation that is about 
to mark its fortieth anniversary and shows no sign of ending." And he 
said: "There will be no negotiation between Israelis and 
Palestinians, no peace, and no reconciliation between them - and 
there will be no reduction in anti-American terrorism - until we have 
the courage to act on our interests. These are not the same as those 
of any party in the region, including Israel, and we must talk with 
all parties, whatever we think of them or their means of struggle."

Earlier yesterday, at a Senate Armed Services Committee, Freeman's 
would-be boss, National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair, defended 
the appointment in extraordinarily strong terms. Via 
Blair said: "Those of us who know him find him to be a person of 
strong views, of inventive mind from an analytical point of view - 
I'm not talking about policy - and that when we go back and forth 
with him, a better understanding comes out of those interactions. 
That's primarily the value that I think he will bring....

"I think I can do a better job if I'm getting strong analytical 
viewpoints to sort out and pass on to you and to the president than 
if I'm getting precooked pablum judgments that don't really 

Freeman's departure leaves behind it an important question: Should it 
really be off limits for a political appointee to openly suggest that 
the U.S. commitment to Israel be balanced with a concern for the rest 
of the region? In modern Washington, does "impartiality" in the 
context of the Middle East actually mean reflexive, nearly 
unconditional support for Israel?

Freeman himself, in an 
note to friends yesterday, argued that the attacks against him "show 
conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any 
view other than its own from being aired, still less to factor in 
American understanding of trends and events in the Middle East....The 
aim of [the Israel Lobby] is control of the policy process through 
the exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the 
wisdom of its views, the substitution of political correctness for 
analysis, and the exclusion of any and all options for decision by 
Americans and our government other than those that it favors."

The entire episode "will be seen by many to raise serious questions 
about whether the Obama administration will be able to make its own 
decisions about the Middle East and related issues."

Greenwald blogs for Salon: "In the U.S., you can advocate torture, 
illegal spying, and completely optional though murderous wars and be 
appointed to the highest positions. But you can't, apparently, 
criticize Israeli actions too much or question whether America's 
blind support for Israel should be re-examined."

Sullivan blogs for Atlantic about "What Real Power In Washington 
Means": "You get to dictate to a president who he can and cannot 
appoint to his own intelligence staff. This was not a 
Senate-confirmation issue. And it was not because of some financial 
or tax issue. It was because of what he believed. And a president is 
simply not allowed to have that kind of diversity of view in his 
administration. And he knows this is a battle he shouldn't fight."


Liz Rich

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