As Max Blumenthal says below (quoted in the piece from Al Jazeera 
English), Chas Freeman's
fate is "a catastrophic defeat for the Obama administration." For, as 
rikyrah puts it bluntly in
her blog (also below), Obama didn't move a muscle to defend his nominee.

Our president must come to understand that "change" cannot mean only 
the undoing of
extremist measures that have only slight support, like BushCo's moves 
against stem cell
research, and the Endangered Species Act, and birth control. "Change" 
must also entail
standing up against extremist measures that have very powerful 
support (even if a lot
of people out there don't approve of them).

So whether it's the Israel lobby, as in this case, or the military, 
or the Pentagon's contractors,
or the Christianist far-right (and, sadly, I could keep on going), 
Obama, having talked the
talk, must put his money where his mouth is, and not let noisy 
bullies throw him off.

(And, of course, his people, and the Secret Service, have to double 
up on all security
measures--because real change means real threats to those who really 
fight for it.)


Chas Freeman Withdraws Name for Intel Post--
Failure of Leadership by President Obama
Author: rikyrah

I brought the case of Chas Freeman to you in the post: Who is Chas 
Freeman and Why We Should Care About What's Happening to Him?

Yesterday, Mr. Freeman withdrew his name for consideration for a top 
Intelligence post. Now, Mr. Freeman wasn't done in because he had 
financial problems. Mr. Freeman is gone because HE ACTUALLY 

That is his crime.

I guess ' Team of Rivals' can be allowed for this Administration, 
except for HONEST discussions about our 51st State.

NMP questioned whether President Obama's team let him down through 
the vetting process, or this was a failure of leadership.

I believe it's a failure of leadership. There was nothing wrong with 
Mr. Freeman's credentials, except for that he didn't kiss AIPAC's ass.

THAT is his crime.

The failure of leadership comes in with the LACK OF  DEFENSE of Mr. 
Freeman. It's not like Freeman hid his views. Anyone who could Google 
would be able to get his speeches and writings. So, I'm giving the 
President's team the benefit of the doubt that they just didn't pick 
him up off the street. So, considering that this wasn't a FINANCIAL 
matter, and that this was Mr. Freeman's POSITIONS, which he did not 
hide, this is NOT a vetting issue. This is an issue of The President 
letting this man twist in the wind as he was being attacked by 
Neocons, AIPAC and their Congressional Allies, and failing to mount a 
defense for this person that they believed was QUALIFIED, or he 
wouldn't have been offered the job in the first place.
This is NOT change we can believe in, Mr. President. You can let 
those AIPAC cronies continue to lead this country down the wrong road 
in the Middle East, or you can stand up to them. Change and peace 
will only happen IF you stand up to the likes of AIPAC.

Obama Pick Quits over Israel Lobby

Al Jazeera
March 11, 2009

The candidate for a leading US intelligence post has withdrawn his
nomination after accusing the country's Israel lobby of plumbing "the
depths of dishonour and indecency" to assassinate his character.

Charles "Chas" Freeman, a former US ambassador who is now president of the
Middle East Policy Council think-tank, had initially agreed to chair the
US National Intelligence Council that produces assessments of security

But on Tuesday he withdrew his nomination following what he called a
"barrage of libellous distortions" of his record by the Israel lobby in
the US.

"The libels on me and their easily traceable email trails show
conclusively that there is a powerful lobby determined to prevent any view
other than its own from being aired," he said.

"The tactics of the Israel lobby plumb the depths of dishonour and
indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the
wilful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an
utter disregard for the truth.

"The aim of this lobby is control of the policy process through the
exercise of a veto over the appointment of people who dispute the wisdom
of its views, the substitution of political correctness for analysis, and
the exclusion of any and all options for decision by Americans and our
government other than those that it favours."

Setback for Obama

Opponents were quick to point out that Freeman's withdrawal was merely the
latest in a string of personnel setbacks for Barack Obama as the president
struggles to staff his administration.

Pete Hoekstra, the leading Republican on the House of Representatives
Intelligence Committee, said this was "yet another breakdown in the Obama
administration vetting process - one more in a long series of missteps".

Freeman, who in 2007 said "the brutal oppression of the Palestinians by
Israeli occupation shows no sign of ending", was criticised by some in the
US congress for remarks seen as critical of Israel.

But he countered in an email to supporters on Tuesday: "It is apparent
that we Americans cannot any longer conduct a serious public discussion or
exercise independent judgment about matters of great importance to our
country as well as to our allies and friends."

'Israel lobby won'

Max Blumenthal, a blogger and journalist for the Daily Beast website who
has been following Freeman's nomination process, told Al Jazeera that
Freeman's withdrawal was "a catastrophic defeat for the Obama

"What happened is the Israel lobby won," he said.

"What [Freeman] said that I think is most remarkable in his statement is
that apparently the Obama administration will not be able to dictate its
own Mid East policy and he places the blame for this squarely on the
Israel lobby.

Blumenthal explained that the Israel lobby had "been furiously emailing
sympathetic reporters, smearing him in public" and that "political

decisions came into play with respect to [Freeman's] views on Israel and
essentially his appointment was torpedoed".

This was the Israel lobby's "first all out fusillade and they succeeded
because they knew that freeman would be dispensable to political elements
in the White House that needed to court the Israel lobby, needed their
money for senate races", he told Al Jazeera.

China-Saudi links

Freeman is a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, who has also served as an
assistant secretary of defence and a senior US diplomat in China.

Admiral Dennis Blair, the national intelligence director who chose Freeman
for the council position, had defended him in congress on Tuesday as a man
of "strong views, of an inventive mind and the analytical point of view".

Blair said he preferred that to "precooked, pabulum judgments".

But Freeman's perceived criticisms of Israel along with his ties with
China and Saudi Arabia, stirred controversy.

Freeman served on the international advisory board of the state-owned
China National Offshore Oil Corporation when it made its 2005 bid for US
oil firm Unocal that was thwarted by US congressional protest, and his
Washington-based Middle East Policy Council think-tank received funding
from Saudi Arabia.

Freeman said he had resigned from all his private positions when he
decided to accept the intelligence council post.

After Freeman's withdrawal, Blair's office said he accepted his decision
"with regret".
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