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Please join me in signing the petition now.

"Please vote to confirm Dawn Johnsen to head the OLC, and reject all 
procedural efforts to derail the confirmation of this eminently 
qualified nominee."

Dear William,

Republicans in the Senate are banding together and threatening to 
filibuster one of President Obama's best executive branch nominees to 
date: Dawn Johnsen, nominated to head the incredibly important Office 
of Legal Counsel (OLC) at the Department of Justice.

The OLC plays a critical role in ensuring that the government plays 
by the rules. But under President Bush, the office was "ground zero" 
in providing the legal justifications for torture and warrantless 
spying, offering opinions that defied the Constitution, the Geneva 
Conventions and the Supreme Court. Dawn Johnsen is the right person 
to restore integrity to this vital office.

Part partisan blackmail, part pander to the Religious Right, and on 
all levels, thoroughly soaked in hypocrisy, the GOP's opposition to 
Johnsen cannot go unanswered. And we can't let a filibuster succeed.

<http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=Q9ScZ6e51JfQUZRtCv0nVg..>Please join 
me in signing PFAW's emergency petition to confirm Dawn Johnsen right 

Then ask five others to join the petition.

Congress is in recess and we need to build this petition into a 
powerful lobbying tool before the Senate reconvenes and the 
Republicans have a chance to move forward with filibuster plans.

Dawn Johnsen's confirmation is tremendously important for the same 
reasons she is being targeted. She's shown a fierce commitment to the 
fundamental constitutional values the Bush administration trashed. 
She was an outspoken critic of legal arguments coming out of the OLC 
-- arguments that supported torture and undermined privacy and due 
process. She put a voice to how we all felt, and made the case in 
clear, legal terms against what we all knew in our hearts was also 
morally wrong.

It's easy to see why senators on the right, interested in protecting 
President Bush's legacy and burying his administration's misconduct, 
would fear Johnsen. And so they have resorted to distorting her 
record and attacking her qualifications. It's not only insulting to 
Johnsen, it demeans the intelligence of those who have to listen to 
it. Johnsen is eminently qualified, having actually headed the OLC in 
1997 and 1998 as Acting Assistant Attorney General (due to the GOP 
holding up President Clinton's nominee to fill that slot at the time, 
Beth Nolan).

Please, if you've needed to read this far to click and sign the 
petition, <http://site.pfaw.org/site/R?i=6vm-dhwYn7mGqL8GT3IS5g..>go 
ahead and do it now. We need your signature right away.

As you may know, in addition to being a longtime board member of 
People For the American Way Foundation, I have long been an activist 
for a woman's right to choose. That's why I am so disturbed that the 
most vitriolic public attacks targeting Dawn Johnsen's nomination 
have been about her advocacy on behalf of reproductive freedom. The 
Religious Right -- as PFAW has said -- treats pro-choice bona fides 
as an instant disqualifier, but we can't let Republican senators who 
purport to be pro-choice get away with blacklisting Dawn Johnsen 
because the Right doesn't like her experience working for the right 
to choose.

I promise that I'll be doing all I can to make sure Dawn Johnsen's 
confirmation succeeds. I hope you will be with me every step of the 


Kathleen Turner
Actor, Activist, PFAW Supporter and PFAW Foundation Board Member

P.S. It's equally important that after you sign the Dawn Johnsen 
petition, you ask others to do the same. Please share it with groups 
you are a part of, other activists you may know and your friends on 
Facebook or other online communities to which you belong. Use this 

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