Some dreadful news about John Gideon, a heroic election integrity 
activist, and the driving force
behind Daily Voting News.



Blogged by Brad Friedman on 4/27/2009 12:29PM  
News About Our Friend John Gideon...
Some troubling news came in last night concerning John Gideon, my 
friend, colleague, frequent BRAD BLOG guest blogger and the 
years-long publisher of the indispensable "Daily Voting News". Allow 
me to defer to the announcement just released by Ellen Theisen, 
John's partner at

From: Ellen Theisen
Date: Mon Apr. 27, 2009 11:18am PT
Subject: To John Gideon's friends

Our friend and colleague, John Gideon collapsed in his home on Sunday 
morning where he was discovered by his family and rushed to the 

Medical staff told me last night (Sunday) that he was in "very 
critical condition". And today he remains in the ICU, with a 
preliminary diagnosis of meningitis.

Brad Friedman and I have been in regular contact with John's family, 
and I'm leaving now to go to the hospital in Seattle, which is the 
best neurological facility in the entire region.

Starting tomorrow, some of us will be taking steps to cobble together 
a perhaps somewhat truncated version of the "Daily Voting News" in 
order to attempt to fill his shoes until his return. But as you all 
know, they are very big shoes to fill.

Please send your good thoughts to John and his family. I will, of 
course, keep you updated as I learn anything more.

Ellen Theisen

I'll certainly do my best to keep you all up to date here on John's 
condition as things warrant and/or change.
I plan on doing my best to keep things rolling here in the interim as 
usual, as I suspect he'd like me to, and to help Ellen in getting out 
the DVN as well as possible during his absence, which we all pray 
won't be long. But thanks for your patience, in advance, if I'm 
slowed down a few steps here for a bit, as I suspect I may be, while 
doing my best to work with Ellen and John's family in support...

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