The tribunes of the right are standing up for torture--which Joe 
Scarborough has now
justified as an expression of "rational fear," while David Frum 
asserts, against all evidence,
that "we don't know" whether BushCo's torture program helped ensure 
"the nation's safety."


Actually, we do know that there's not a shred of evidence to back the 
claim that BushCo's
torture program helped protect the nation from another terrorist 
attack. In fact, there's evidence
suggesting that the program only sparked the regime's bogus terrorist "alerts."

And there is something else we know: that torture is immoral. It's 
wrong. That's why the
Reagan DoJ rightly prosecuted a quartet of Texas cops for 
waterboarding suspects to extort confessions:

Jason Leopold | Reagan's DOJ Prosecuted Waterboarding Case

It's getting pretty tiresome listening to these people try to argue 
that the torture had some
salutary practical intention or effect. When you waterboard somebody 
over 180 times--
somebody, moreover, who had already spilled his guts under legitimate 
you're not doing it because you want to get some useful information, 
or for any other
rational reason. You're doing it because you like to do it, like to 
have it done.


April 27

Cheney should release Iraq memos, outed CIA agent's husband says
By John Byrne -- April 27, 2009
The husband of the CIA agent outed by the Bush Administration in the 
wake of the Iraq war demanded Monday that former Vice President 
Cheney release transcripts of his testimony in the CIA leak case 
after Cheney publicly called for more documents to be declassified in 
the war on terror.

Rove mocked spending on flu preparedness
By Raw Story -- April 27, 2009
Bush's Brain doesn't appear to be quite so prescient in the face of a 
potential global flu epidemic.

Iraq PM: Deadly US raid 'breach' of security pact
Agence France-Presse -- Monday April 27, 2009
BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said a US raid on 
Sunday in which a policeman and a woman were shot dead was a "breach" 
of a landmark security pact with Washington.

Exposed: Geithner's ties to Wall St.
The New York Times -- April 26, 2009

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