CIA and the Washington Post: Joined at the Hip
By Melvin A. Goodman


Under the stewardship of 
Hiatt, the editorial and op-ed pages of the 
<>Washington Post 
have gradually moved to the right. Post 
editorials and op-eds have defended the decision 
to go to war in Iraq; opposed any improvement in 
bilateral relations with Russia; refused to 
acknowledge Israel's misuse of military power in 
the Middle East; and lobbied against the need for 
investigation of the detention and interrogation 
programs of the Bush administration.

As part of the campaign to prevent a rigorous 
examination of "enhanced interrogation 
techniques" (read: "torture and abuse"), the 
Washington Post's editorial pages have been 
particularly protective of the Central 
Intelligence Agency and its senior leaders--the 
ideological drivers for torture and extraordinary 
renditions policies. These CIA leaders, 
particularly deputy director 
Kappes and acting general counsel 
Rizzo, are not trying to protect the reputation 
and mission of the CIA; they are trying to 
protect themselves.

Surely senior journalists from the mainstream 
media must understand that reliance on anonymous 
CIA clandestine sources is neither good reporting 
nor professional journalism. Many of these 
"anonymous sources" almost certainly are former 
and current CIA officials seeking to protect 
McLaughlin, and 
Brennan are individuals who fit that description.

In the past several days, the Post has carried 
and op-eds by its own editorial writer 
Ignatius; its longtime national security writer 
Pincus; former CIA director 
Goss; former CIA operative 
Scheuer; and 
Thiessen, a former chief speechwriter for 
President George W. Bush. These articles have 
been similar in content and similar to the 
statements of other CIA directors past and 
Hayden, Goss, Tenet, and 
Deutch) who opposed the release of the memoranda 
of the Justice Department's Office of Legal 
Counsel that justified the use of torture and 

article is particularly scurrilous, accusing 
President Obama of self-righteousness and 
intellectual arrogance" in deciding to release 
the torture memos. Scheuer believes that an end 
to torture will lead to future terrorist attacks 
that could involve the "loss of major cities and 
tens of thousands of countrymen," and that the 
president will bear some responsibility. Scheuer, 
an aggressive proponent of torture and abuse, was 
the leader of the 
Osama bin Laden unit in the 1990s. His behavior 
at CIA was so bizarre that he was eventually 
quarantined by the Agency, spending the last few 
years of his employment in the Agency's library 
without access to classified documents.

These Post articles also reflect the opinion of 
key members of the 
National Clandestine Service and 
of the General Counsel, who want to cover up CIA 
war crimes and prevent any authoritative 
investigation of the CIA's creation, operation, 
and maintenance of its detention and 
interrogation programs. The CIA took a similar 
stance in trying to block investigations of such 
intelligence failures as the inability to track 
the decline of the Soviet Union in the 1980s; the 
9/11 intelligence failure in 2001; and the 
provision of specious intelligence to the White 
House and the Congress of the United States in 
the run-up to the war with Iraq in 2003.

The leader of the Washington Post editorial squad 
has been Ignatius, who has developed close 
relations with CIA clandestine operatives over a 
period that spans three decades. Ignatius' key 
source in the 1970s was the late 
Ames, one of the most successful clandestine 
officers in the history of the CIA. Ames was the 
source for most of Ignatius' writings on the 
Middle East as well as for his novel about CIA 
clandestine tradecraft, 
of Innocence."

Over the years, retired and active members of the 
directorate of operations have taken their 
stories to Ignatius; they have been rewarded by 
Ignatius' one-sided accounts of CIA derring-do 
and willingness to ignore operational and 
analytical failures. Ignatius is welcome to his 
opinion on these matters, of course, but he 
should not be permitted to create facts that 
don't square with the history of the recent past.

A comparison of last week's op-eds by 
a former CIA clandestine operative and a former 
chairman of the House intelligence committee as 
well as the CIA director during the period of 
torture and abuse, is particularly revealing. 
Both Ignatius and Goss argue that foreign 
intelligence services will not share sensitive 
intelligence with the United States and the CIA 
because of the declassification and release of 
the torture memoranda. That is nonsense!

The truth is that European liaison services as 
well as other intelligence services have tempered 
their cooperation with the CIA because of the use 
of torture and abuse as well as the extraordinary 
rendition of innocent individuals from their 
countries to intelligence services in the Middle 
East. The CIA's extra-legal activities have 
complicated and undermined the task of 
maintaining credible relations with our allies in 
the battle against terrorism.

Both Ignatius and Goss argue that, because of the 
release of the memos, CIA clandestine operatives 
will keep their heads down and avoid assignments 
that carry political risk, and that the decline 
in CIA "morale and effectiveness" will harm 
American national security. More nonsense! CIA 
operatives and analysts are professionals who 
pride themselves on service to the country and 
their oath to the Constitution.

Very few of them took part in the corruption of 
intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction 
and very few participated in the policies of 
torture and abuse. They know that the law should 
not be broken and they want to get these issues 
behind them so that they can continue to serve 
the national interests of the United States. They 
know that painful truths must be acknowledged and 
that some price must be paid by all for the 
chicanery of a few.

If Agency personnel were permitted to share their 
opinions about torture and abuse with the press, 
a large majority would oppose the practices. 
Unfortunately, only those officers seeking to 
cover-up their own activities have the temerity 
to talk to reporters. The notion that the 
declassification of these memoranda have given 
the "enemy invaluable information about the rules 
by which we operate" is particularly ludicrous.

The enemy has had this information for more than 
five years, ever since every major newspaper in 
the world published the unconscionable 
from Abu Ghraib. General officers who have served 
in Iraq and Afghanistan have testified that these 
images are the most important recruitment tool in 
the hands of terrorists and fundamentalists and 
have contributed to the deaths of many American 
men and women.

Two of the most senior Post writers, 
Broder and Walter Pincus, who have been reporting 
on national political and national security 
issues for decades, joined the apologists for CIA 
actions. Pincus 
that previous investigations of CIA 
transgressions damaged the Agency. He ignores the 
fact that the 
Commission in the 1970s led to the creation of 
the Senate and House intelligence oversight 
committees as well as the introductions of 
"findings" that made sure a president had to vet 
plans for covert action with the oversight 
committees. And he fails to note that the 
illegal role in Iran-contra led to the creation 
of an independent, statutory Inspector General to 
make sure that CIA transgressions could be 
inspected internally and reported to the Justice 
Department whenever necessary.

tells us that the Justice Department memos on 
torture demonstrate that the Bush administration 
conducted a "deliberate and internally 
well-debated policy decision, made in the proper 
placesŠby the proper officials." If he had read 
the memos more carefully, he would have concluded 
that there were no policy debates regarding 
torture and abuse, extraordinary renditions, and 
secret prisons. Professional interrogators, for 
example, were excluded from the discussions.

Thiessen, the chief speechwriter for President 
Bush and perhaps the author of Bush's claim that 
"we don't torture," resorts to 
to make his case. He states that the 
waterboarding of Khalid Sheik Mohammed 
(waterboarded 183 times) led to the discovery of 
a plot to destroy a building in Los Angeles, but 
that operation had been compromised more than a 
year before KSM was captured.
Thiessen claims no critical information would 
have been gained from Abu Zubaydah 
83 times) without the use of waterboarding. FBI 
and CIA officials have testified, however, that 
all relevant information from Zubaydah was 
obtained with traditional interrogation measures 
and that Zubaydah didn't have a great deal of 
intelligence to offer. Thiessen's assertion that 
the 2004 report of the CIA's Inspector General 
concluded that waterboarding "yielded critical 
information" is almost certainly made up out of 
whole cloth; it is unlikely that Thiessen has 
seen that report, which has not been released.

Actually, we know from the authoritative 2004 
report from the 
Inspector General that there was no proof that 
torture enabled the Bush administration to thwart 
"specific imminent attacks" and that the CIA's 
Office of Medical Services (OMS) concluded that 
the risks to the health of prisoners outweighed 
any potential intelligence benefit.

It is noteworthy that once the OMS got involved 
in the use of waterboarding, the tactic was 
halted. FBI Director Robert Mueller also has 
stated that no intelligence from "enhanced 
interrogation techniques" disrupted any attacks 
on the United States. The CIA IG added that the 
CIA had no way of distinguishing detainees with 
relevant information from those who did not, 
which meant that many prisoners were tortured 

Even the editorial gurus of the Washington Post 
must know that White House speech writers are 
unlikely to have access to such documents and are 
unlikely to have sufficient information to 
discuss such issues authoritatively. But that 
doesn't stop them from publishing propaganda from 
Thiessen or regular commentary from 
Gerson, another chief speechwriter and apologist 
for President Bush. Thiessen's charge that 
President Obama's decision to release the torture 
memoranda is "one of the most dangerous and 
irresponsible acts every by an American president 
during a time of war-and Americans may die as a 
result" is obscene and irresponsible.

Ironically, Goss acknowledges at the end of his 
op-ed that the "bottom line is that we cannot 
succeed unless we have good intelligence." 
Professional interrogators from military and 
civilian agencies have testified that torture and 
abuse do not lead to good intelligence. And 
Broder concludes that we needed an investigation 
after 9/11 to understand "the flawed performances 
and gaps in the system and make the necessary 
repairs to reduce the chances of a deadly 

Like 9/11, only a serious investigation will 
allow us to understand the flawed processes and 
the gaps in the system. Unlike 9/11, the Bush 
administration's approval of torture and abuse 
served to undermine the reputation of the United 
States, the legitimacy of our aims, and the moral 
fiber of the people who engage in such depravity.

Melvin A. Goodman, a regular contributor to 
<>The Public Record, is 
senior fellow at the 
<>Center for 
International Policy and adjunct professor of 
government at Johns Hopkins University. He spent 
more than 42 years in the U.S. Army, the Central 
Intelligence Agency, and the Department of 
Defense. His most recent book is 
of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA."
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