From a donor to FSTV and INN:

FSTV Gags Independent National Newscast

The Free Speech TV network (FSTV), widely perceived as a progressive
broadcast provider, has forced its daily evening news show, International
News Net (INN), to cancel production. Now in its seventh year as a reliable
source of high-quality, in-depth daily reporting on world affairs, INN has
now been forced to halt production through a pattern of discriminatory revenue-
sharing and scheduling practices.  These include selective blocking of the
viewer donor base, discriminatory revenue-sharing, and exclusion from 
scheduling in key communities.

Both INN and its "parent" FSTV network are viewer-supported.  But FSTV has
now refused requests from INN, as well as major donors and guests for 
the newscast,
to be scheduled at airtimes convenient for viewers on the West Coast--where
financial support for both FSTV and INN have traditionally been strongest.

Meanwhile, FSTV has arbitrarily allowed on-air fundraising and prime 
time access for
other daily informational programs.  As a result of FSTV policies, 
unfairly favored
programs are growing disproportionately, while INN, denied the same advantages,
has faced extinction.

Ironically, FSTV has used the highly-reputed INN "brand" to raise 
money for itself,
but does not allow INN, its so-called "broadcast partner," to make 
on-air appeals for
funding--or even to share in the revenues gained from the network's 
annual two-month
fundraising drive, to which INN has drawn many viewers.

INN believes that the world of alternative media has been severely 
harmed by FSTV's
treatment of its flagship program. Without an independent platform 
such as INN to challenge
and inform the mainstream media, countless journalists will have one 
place less to tell their
vital stories; and INN's international audience will be deprived of a 
great independent
daily global newscast.

In the recent past, I have contributed $x,xxxx to both FSTV and INN. 
Therefore, as a
donor and a citizen who wants to stay informed, I ask that FSTV made 
a good faith
effort to come to terms with INN.


Rich Mxxxx

For more information, please contact:


Lenny Charles: Creator, Producer, on air 917-293-8509
Claire Brown: Interviews and guest database 310-479-9698
Val Van Cleve: news 212-431-5987
Tom Kiely: Creator, on air interviews 917-837-1211


Jon Stout FSTV general manager 303-442-8445x116
Eric Golatis FSTV program director 303-442-8445x108
Than Reader FSTV operations manager 303-442-8445x102
Ashley Seymor FSTV development 303-442-8445x128

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