Here's an important corrective, by Ken Anderson, to one little slip 
in Andrew Krieg's
fine article on the railroading of Don Siegelman.

(For two good essays on the theft of Siegelman's re-election in '02, 
including a statistical
analysis of the vote-theft, see James Gundlach's and Larisa 
Alexandrovna's pieces in
Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 
2000-2008, which
you can get at


Hi Mark,

Regarding Andrew Kreig's excellent article,

I did have one burp about it, and commented.  I thought I'd pass it along:


"But he was defeated in a 2002 re-election vote that was so close he 
was declared
the winner on Nov. 3 until a reported software glitch during a rural 
county recount
cost him 6,000 votes and thus the election. "


This is a fantastic article, but I hate it when obvious election 
theft is downplayed
as a "glitch." More pointedly, this "glitch" was discovered in the 
middle of the night
by a Republican-only group of election officials, who magically both "lost" and
"found" votes, "losing" only Siegelman votes and "finding" only Riley ones.

Siegelman and Thom Hartmann


tell us:

[Hartmann:] ... And, in fact, if I understand this correctly, you 
were being prosecuted
by a woman whose husband was the campaign manager for the Republican who ran
against you for governor and in the middle of the night in one county 
because of a
voting machine malfunction after the election had apparently already 
been called in
your favor, suddenly in the middle of the night, when there were nobody except
Republicans standing around, they discovered a couple thousand more votes, and
said: "Oh, yeah, no, no! Don Siegelman actually lost." Do I have that right?

DS: You have it right. They electronically shifted votes from my column to my
Republican opponent's column.

TH: To Bob Riley's column.

DS: I believe, yes, to Bob Riley's column. And oddly enough, it 
didn't effect a single
down-ballot race. They took five thousand or six thousand votes of 
mine and shifted
it over to Bob Riley, and when they counted everybody else's votes, 
the shift was at
the top which, logically, would have made a difference at the bottom...


Let us note, none of what subsequently happened to Siegelman would 
have transpired
were it not for the theft of that election. Election theft is the 
crux upon which all the other
bullshit teeters.

Ken Anderson
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