Below is my exchange with Tman, who took strong 
exception to Jeff Sharlet's "Jesus Killed
Muhammad" (although he seems not to have read 
it). My post about Jeff's article, and Tman's 
comment, then my reply, are at:


Comment by Tman on May 18, 2009 @ 4:02 pm:


With all due respect, the real whack jobs are 
people that believe this crap while steeped in 
ignorance of history in their zeal to condemn 
Christianity. Harper's cover story should be 
titled "Muhammad Killed Jesus" to reflect a 
closer historical reality.

The truth is that for 1400 years or since the 
death of Muhammad in 632, there has been a jihad 
against all the non-believers of Islam. Before 
the birth of Muhammad, nearly all of the Middle 
East, Iran, and Turkey were Christian. In just 
100 years after Muhammad's death Muslim armies 
were within 100 miles of Paris itself.

If it were not for the 7 or so Crusades, (the 
most mis-reported and mis-understood historical 
events in history) the occurred afterwards, all 
of Europe and beyond would now be facing Mecca 
(anyone out there recall what happened to 
Constantinople?) The Crusades were a response to 
Islamic conquests, measures taken in self 
defense; all this really comes into focus when 
one considers that "Islam" means "submission".

There is quite a distinction between the founders 
of Christianity and Islam, esp. so when one 
considers how each responded to a very similar 
circumstance: When Jesus was presented a woman 
caught in adultery the Pharisee and Sadducees, 
while trying to entrap Jesus, said 
(paraphrase)Š"Does not the law say to stone this 
woman to death?"Š.after which Jesus picked up a 
stone and said "let he who is without sin cast 
the first stone", after which the crowds 
disappeared and Jesus forgave the woman and she 
went on her way. Muhammad on the other hand, was 
presented with such a woman as well, only 
revealing such by her own confession to 
MuhammadŠ.Muhammad condemned her and was the 
first to cast a stone at her.

During WWII, nearly all the Middle East supported 
Hitler, Nazis and "the final solution"; Holocaust 
denial is merely a sly endorsement to kill Jews.

Even today Mein Kampf remains a best seller in 
the Middle East, while the Christians in Iraq 
today are leaving by the thousands or face death. 
Try living as a non-believer in any Islamic 
country and compare that with living in the 
Western world.

Comment by Mark Crispin Miller on May 19, 2009 @ 2:04 pm:

Yes, when the Muslims conquered Spain, they 
killed all the Jews and Christians there, didn't 
they? They were nowhere near as tolerant as 
Ferdinand and Isabella, who, as we all know, 
welcomed all the Jews and Muslims in their realm 
with open arms.

And, thanks to you, I now remember how the 
Muslims started the Crusades, by invading Rome 
and trying to destroy the papacy.  And of course 
the Muslims slaughtered Jews and Christians 
everywhere they went.

And it is true that, over the last 200 years, 
Muslim nations have repeatedly invaded Western 
nations, and killed Christians by the millions. 
The Algerians and Lebanese, for instance, 
tyrannized the French, while the Iraqis and the 
Palestinians dominated Britain with extreme 
brutality. (And let us not forget how the Iraqis 
deployed poison gas on the defenseless British!)

And today, it's true, there are Muslims all over 
the West, trying to convert Christians--sometimes 
forcibly--to Islam. And Muslim troops are 
occupying several countries in the West, while, 
day after day, Palestinians grind down the 

Meanwhile, there are, of course, no Jews or 
Christians living in Iran, or in any other Muslim 

Thanks for setting us all straight.

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