Chief Justice Roberts and his cohorts are inexorably weakening the 
Voting Rights Act
through one subtle ruling at a time.

Congress must hold hearings now, to prevent the states from 
gerrymandering voters black
and brown into irrelevance.

(While they're at it, Congress also ought to take a good hard look at 
both the electronic
systems used for voting and vote-counting nationwide, and the private 
companies that
manufacture and maintain them.

(That problem, you may note below, is not on the agenda here--the 
Lawyer's Committee
for Civil Rights, like all the other major civil rights 
organizations, having long refrained
from paying due attention [or any at all] to the ever-growing menace 
of election fraud.

(So let us join with the Committee in this plea to Congress--and let 
us also plead with the
Committee, urging them to take a broader view of all the measures 
lately used to disenfranchise
minority voters.)


Dear Mark,

Earlier this year the Supreme Court narrowed a vital protection 
against racial gerrymandering.

  So far the response to our petition to Congress has been 
overwhelming.  Will you join us?

<>Click here to 
urge Congress to hold hearings on Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act 
and protect minorities during redistricting.

We need to act now to prevent states from diminishing the power of 
minority voters to effect change during the next round of 
redistricting, but I need your help.  Please sign our petition to 
Congress today!

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court severely narrowed a vital voter 
protection - Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  Section 2 
prevents states from diluting the strength of minority voters through 
gerrymandered voting districts.  Because of the Court's ruling, 
districts across the country that have been electing minorities for 
decades could be in danger.

<>Click here to 
urge Congress to hold hearings on Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act 
and protect minorities during redistricting.

Election Protection leader - the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights 
Under Law - is urging Congress to ensure Section 2 will continue to 
advance the cause of voting equality.  Last week I sent out an urgent 
email to Election Protection's supporters and volunteers asking them 
to sign the petition, and the response was overwhelming.  Will you 
join them?

<>Click here to 
urge Congress to hold hearings on Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act 
and protect minorities during redistricting.

Thanks to the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1965 minorities that do 
not make up 50% of the electorate are sometimes joined by like-minded 
white voters to elect minorities to office - a true sign of racial 
progress.  Now the Supreme Court has removed Section 2's protection 
of these districts and opened them up to racial gerrymandering. 
Congress must correct the Court's error before states redistrict 
their state legislative and Congressional districts after the 2010 

Thank you,

Jon Greenbaum
Election Protection Leader
Legal Director, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The Lawyers' Committee will continue to fight discrimination in all 
forms across this nation.  To keep up to date and find out how you 
can help further the cause of justice, please click here to sign up 
for the Lawyers' Committee email list.

the National Campaign for Fair Elections - donate today!


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