Receive Increasingly Scary Threats Of Violence For Town Hall 

August 8, 2009

Sam Stein
<mailto:st...@huffingtonpost.com>st...@huffingtonpost.com | HuffPost 
Reporting From DC


Union officials continued to receive a barrage of threats on Friday 
evening and into Saturday punctuated by warnings that if organizers 
were sent to counter-demonstrate at health care town halls they would 
be met with violence.

An official with the AFL-CIO, a federation of labor organizations, 
passed on what he described as a "pretty direct threat" to those 
union hands who were showing up to balance out anti-Obama 
demonstrations being waged at local Democratic forums.

"I will be going to a local town hall this weekend, all you union 
members BEWARE!" an emailer wrote at 9:40 Saturday morning. "We will 
be waiting for you. better make sure you have arrangements with your 
local ER. today is the day when the goon meets the gun. see you 

The email was first sent to the media-watching organization 
Newshounds before being passed to Eddie Vale, a spokesman for the 
AFL-CIO. The IP address used to post the email was traced back to 

The AFL-CIO isn't the only labor organization to be on the receiving 
end of threats of violence. During a day in which a woman called up 
its national office threatening to use her Second Amendment rights 
should her First Amendment rights be repressed, officials at the 
Service Employees International Union continued to be deluged with 
emails and phone calls with ominous undertones.

An official with the SEIU said she had received 50 such emails, 
including the following one, which was edited to make suitable for 

     You socialist f---s have the nerve to say stop the violence at 
the town hall meetings when they weren't violent until you p---ies 
showed up because your n----- leader obama said to?????? When we have 
ours in Racine, Wi, I want you there. I want one of your little 
b----- to put his hands on this Marine. I want one of you to look or 
talk to me wrong. I'll be the last thing your ignorant faux body 
guards will remember for a very long time. You can f---ing guarantee 

The escalating language and threats have caused union officials to 
grow increasingly worried about the possibility of serious violence 
at these town hall gatherings. On Thursday, a scuffle broke out 
outside a town hall in St. Louis, resulting in the arrest of an SEIU 
official and the injury of several participants. That same evening a 
near riot erupted in Tampa Bay after union hands tried to prevent an 
overflowing crowd from storming a town hall gathering.

Lawmakers, too, are feeling the heat to keep these forums civil. A 
reader initialed B.W. wrote the Huffington Post that during a town 
hall in Plymouth, Indiana, Rep. Joe Donnelly, (D-Ind.) was forced to 
try out alternative measures to keep the interruptions and 
demonstrations at a minimum.

"Instead of addressing the crowd and taking questions, his staff had 
every one fill out a card with a number and he met with people face 
to face," the reader wrote. "There were more people than time but at 
least 32 people spoke directly to him out of earshot of the rest of 
the crowd. The event had people with differing views on health care 
but remained very respectful. It was encouraging."

Sam Stein is a Political Reporter at the Huffington Post, based in 
Washington, D.C. Previously he has worked for Newsweek magazine, the 
New York Daily News and the investigative journalism group Center for 
Public Integrity. He has a masters from the Columbia University 
Graduate School of Journalism and is a graduate of Dartmouth College. 
Sam can be reached at 

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