From: Roger Shuler:

Karl Rove apparently made a slip during his Congressional testimony 
that has gone unnoticed in the mainstream press. Did Rove's curious 
reference to a mystery "lawyer" named McDonald reveal potentially 
important information about the Don Siegelman prosecution?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rove and His Mysterious Alabama "Lawyer"

One of the most curious moments in Karl Rove's recent testimony about 
the Don Siegelman case came when the former Bush White House adviser 
was asked about his primary contacts in Alabama.

Rove mentioned two familiar 
names--<>William Canary, head 
of the Business Council of Alabama, and 
<>Kelley McCullough 
Robertson, former Southeast political director for the Republican 
National Committee and state director for Karl Rove & Co.

Almost as an afterthought, Rove threw out a third name--a "lawyer" 
named McDonald. Strangely, Rove could not seem to remember the 
person's first name or hometown.

Which raises this question: Who in the heck is this McDonald person?

A source with strong knowledge of Alabama politics tells Legal 
Schnauzer that Rove probably was referring to 
L. McDonald, a prominent businessman from Town Grove, Alabama, and 
founder of DeltaCom Long Distance Services, the largest Alabama-owned 
telecommunications company.

McDonald has served in both the Alabama House of Representatives and 
the Alabama Senate and was one of the first members of the Alabama 
Commission on Higher Education (ACHE).

Perhaps of most interest here at Legal Schnauzer is this: McDonald 
has served on the University of Alabama Board of Trustees since 1992. 
That's the outfit that oversees the University of Alabama at 
Birmingham (UAB). It's also the outfit that almost certainly either 
pushed for, or approved of, my unlawful termination in May 2008.

McDonald now is <>an 
emeritus member of the board. But he was president pro tempore when 
the board hired current UAB president Carol Garrison in 2002. 
Garrison, of course, was in charge at UAB when I was unlawfully 
terminated and also has seen a lengthy string of human-resources 
problems surface on her watch.

Interestingly, Garrison was hired in the aftermath of a major HR 
headache--the forced resignation of previous UAB president W. Ann 
Reynolds, who wound up 
the Board of Trustees for age and gender discrimination. McDonald 
said at the time that discrimination played no role in Reynolds' 
ouster. But Reynolds wound up receiving 
nifty $475,000 settlement for her troubles.

One other note: McDonald also played a major role in 
hiring of Malcolm Portera, the current chancellor of the University 
of Alabama System. Portera just happens to be a proud member of the 
<>Business Council of 
Alabama's board of directors, which is run by Karl Rove's close 
friend and ally, Bill Canary.

Our source notes that McDonald is not a lawyer, but he is close to 
the Alabama Republican Party and almost certainly is the person to 
whom Rove was referring.

If our source is correct, let's consider what that might mean for our 
Legal Schnauzer story:

* A trusted source for Karl Rove serves on the University of Alabama 
Board of Trustees;

* Said source hired a chancellor who now serves on Bill Canary's 
business-council board;

* Said source was president of the board when it hired Carol Garrison 
as UAB president;

* Your humble correspondent, a 19-year UAB employee at the time, 
happened to be writing a blog critical of the Bush Justice Department 
(on my own time), which we now know was 
<>hugely and 
corruptly influenced by Karl Rove;

* Carol Garrison, a virtual lapdog for Karl Rove's trusted Alabama 
source, OKed my unlawful termination.

So Karl Rove's Congressional testimony raises a number of questions 
that hit awfully close to home:

* Is the University of Alabama Board of Trustees essentially run by a 
bunch of Rove-influenced right wingers?

* Did Karl Rove's apparent ties to Sid McDonald have something to do 
with my unlawful termination?

* If Karl Rove is found to have corruptly influenced the Don 
Siegelman prosecution, did a member (or members) of the University of 
Alabama Board of Trustees play a role in it?

* Will Congressional investigators present followup questions to Rove 
in order to determine the exact identify of this "McDonald" 

* If it is Sid McDonald, will investigators check his phone and 
e-mail records to see what communication he might have had with Rove 
regarding the Siegelman case and other matters? Could Sid McDonald be 
called to testify before government investigators?

* Would such an investigation reveal a right-wing conspiracy that 
runs throughout the University of Alabama System?

* Exactly how much influence do Karl Rove and Bill Canary have on the 
University of Alabama Board of Trustees?

As you can see, these questions are serious--they are not amusing in 
the least. But reading the testimony where Rove let the McDonald name 
slip is downright comical. It's almost as if "Bush's Brain" got bored 
or lazy or both and inadvertently tossed out a name that wasn't 
supposed to be revealed. Then Rove immediately began to back track, 
suddenly unable to remember McDonald's name, hometown, gender . . . 
you name it.

Here is the "McDonald" segment of Rove's testimony:
Q Now you referred a few moments ago to contacts through friends and 
associates in Alabama, who would those be?

A Well, the person who ran my firm in 2000, Kelley McCullough, now 
Kelley McCullough Robertson, who came to Washington. She did not live 
in Alabama, but kept in touch in Alabama politics, and a lawyer in 
Birmingham -- or in Mobile, named McDonald, you know, friends. I 
might have talked to Bill Canary, who is the president of Alabama 
Business Association, but I can't recall.

Elliot Mincberg, counsel for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, let 
the McDonald reference slide right on by. Maybe it's time somebody 
checks into it.

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